Sample Complaint Letter for any problem with format and examples

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Sample Complaint Letter for any problem with format and examples


When we face any common and social problem in our life that can be solved only by concerned government or non-government authorities, we need to write a letter or complaint to them for making them aware of the problem and possible solutions. Here is our sample complaint letter about any problem that will help you to write your own by making some changes.

Format of sample complaint letter about any problem

Sender’s address

Receiver’s address



Introduction para

Main body[problems and possible solutions]

Closing para

Sign, mobile no., email

Sample complaint letter about any problem

Here is our sample complaint letter about any problem.

Sam Robbins

Orko City

P.O Box no-45

Date- 8-4-2022


The Municipal Commission

Orko City Municipal Corporation

Orko City

Subject- Complaint about—-

Dear sir,

With reference to the above-mentioned subject. I wish to raise your attention towards our problems.

There is the problem of —– in our area. It is causing a lot of trouble for the citizens. It is disturbing our routine life affecting our health and security.

Possible solutions for this problem are as follows

First, solve the problem of—-

Make arrangements so that it will not be repeated in the future.

Make proper arrangements for it.

I request you to take notice of our problem and take the necessary action as early as possible.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Sam Robbins

Mob no-9999999999

This is our sample format for any complaint letter.

Sample letter of complaint about garbage problem in your city.

Sam Robbins

Orko City

P.O. Box-48



The municipal commission

Orko City Municipal Corporation

Orko City

Subject- Complaint about garbage problem.

Dear sir,

I on the behalf of the citizens of Orko City would like to raise your attention to the garbage problem in our city.

The garbage has not been cleared for many days. So there are huge piles of garbage in our city. It is causing a lot of problems. Thousands of flies, mosquitoes, and gnats are breeding and public health is in danger.

So there is an urgent need to clear all the accumulated garbage from the city. There is a need to spray pesticides to control mosquitos and flies. Clearing garbage is necessary. The number of garbage bins is very less. So, please increase the number.

I request you to take notice of our problems and take necessary actions as early as possible.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Sam Robbins

This is our sample complaint letter for the garbage problem.


We have given our sample complaint letter format and a sample complaint letter about the garbage problem.

I hope you will like it and find it helpful for your needs.

With love +respect from the team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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