Sample anchoring script for Republic Day celebration with program schedule

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Sample anchoring or compering script for Republic Day celebration with program schedule


Republic Day is a very important day in the history of the nation. It marks the beginning of the constitution of the country. Every school, college, office, and village celebrates it with great joy. For that, we need to prepare an anchoring script and program schedule. Here is our sample anchoring or compering script for the Republic Day celebration with the sample program schedule.

Sample program schedule for Republic Day celebration

It is as follows

1)Arrival of the chief guest and felicitation

2)Flag hoisting

3)Flag salute

4)National Anthem

5)Flag song



8)Welcome song

9)speeches by the students 1)English II)Hindi III)Marathi

10)cultural program of patriotic songs and dance performance

11)Principal’s speech

12)Prize distribution

13)Introduction of the chief guest

14)Chief Guest’s speech

15)Vote of thanks

16)Vande Mataram

17)Sweets distribution

This is a sample program schedule for information purposes only. You can make any necessary changes as per your needs and convenience. It is not from any government authority and it is only for information and educational purpose.

Sample beginning  for the program of Republic Day celebration

Here are some examples of beginnings for the Republic Day celebration.

“Apne matlab ke waste hamne Asmanonse kuchh nahi manga hai, hamne to watan ki khair mangi hai koi Takht aur taj Nahi manga.(We haven’t asked anything for ourselves, we just want the safety and prosperity of our motherland from the heavens) Very good morning to you all and welcome to this celebration of the national festival of Republic Day 20.. .”

“Sare Jahan Se achchha, Hindostan Hamara, Ham bulble hai iski , Yeh gulsita hamara,(India is the best in the world and we are its loved ones and it is our heaven.)A very warm welcome to you all and I wish you a very happy Republic Day .”

Sample anchoring script for the Republic Day celebration in school and college

here is our sample anchoring  or compering script for the Republic Day celebration

Anchor-1: Respected chief guest, honorable principal, teaching and non-teaching staff caring parents, and excited students good morning to you all, and my best wishes to you all on the occasion of …… the Republic Day celebration. first I would like to welcome you all. what an amazing day full of patriotic zeal and feelings of gratitude, happiness, and new hope.

Anchor-2: Good morning and wish you all a very happy Republic Day. we are very fortunate to celebrate this Republic Day in our independent country and at the same time, we are grateful to our ancestors who sacrificed everything for our freedom and for making this democratic constitution for our country and protecting it from foreign invasions.

Anchor -1: Our honorable chief guest has arrived and I would like to request our principal to honor our guest with the bouquet.

(Guest Felicitation)

thank you for accepting our humble welcome, Now let’s move to the most important task of this day and it is hoisting our national flag. I would like to request our chief guest Mr. …….. to hoist our national flag and further commands will be given by our sports teacher.

flag hoisting by the hands of the chief guest. [All clap after hoisting the national flag]

sports teacher: stand at ease, attention, and salute the flag.

Flag salute

sports teacher: Stand straight, don’t move, and start the national anthem. national anthem

sports teacher: stand straight and start the flag song

flag song

sports teacher: get ready for the pledge, take you are right hand ahead, and start the pledge.

sports teacher: Now everybody will raise the slogans,

Bharat Mata ki -Jai

Vande -Mataram

East or West -India is the best

Anchor- 2: We have just carried out the most important part of our Republic Day celebration with discipline, enthusiasm, and accuracy. I would like to congratulate you all. With the waving national flag, the atmosphere is filled with patriotic zeal. Let us make it affectionate and warmer with the sweet welcome song. our school’s music group will give a musical welcome to us all.

[welcome song]

Anchor -1: That was a sweet musical Republic Day treat and we enjoyed it very much. Now our students will show their patriotism through their elocution skills. our school’s/college’s……. class student ……….will give a speech in English.

[English speech]

Anchor-2: Thanks a lot for your motivational thoughts. Now I would like to request ……….. from …….. class to deliver a speech in our national language Hindi.

[Hindi speech]

Anchor -1: Thank you very much for your informative speech. Now our school’s/ college’s ……… from the …….. class will express thoughts in Marathi.

[Marathi speech]

Anchor -2: Thanks a lot for your encouragement and interesting information about our freedom fighters and the process of constitution-making. Now it is time to show our students’ cultural performance of dance and songs.

cultural program of dance and patriotic songs

Anchor- 1: Really it was an opportunity to witness a nice performance by our students. Now I would like to request our principal to express his thoughts.

principal’s speech

Anchor 2: I would like to thank you for your motivational thoughts and creative vision about the future of our school/college. Now the most awaited moment by the students has arrived. Yes, there will be a prize distribution program. I would like to call our chief guest to give away the prizes.

Prize Distribution program

the winner of best sportsperson of the year age – dash thank you now the prize for the student of the year, it goes to………. From ……… class.

Anchor- 1: Thanks dignitaries and congrats to the winners but don’t get upset who have not won prizes as there are a lot of opportunities for the rest to do the best in the coming next. Now I would like to request our teacher……… to introduce our chief guest.

chief guest’s introduction

Anchor- 2: Thank you, sir, now I would like to request our chief guest to guide us

chief guest’s speech

Anchor- 1: Now I would like to thank our chief guest wholeheartedly for sharing valuable thoughts and for explaining the real meaning and importance of the Republic Day celebration. Here we come to the concluding part of our patriotic function of the Republic Day celebration our vice principal will propose a vote of thanks.

vote of thanks

Sample vote of thanks for the Republic Day celebration.

Anchor -1: Thank you, now I request you all to stand up for Vande Mataram.

[ Vande Mataram]

Anchor-2: please be seated, I declare that the function is over and students are requested to go in their respective classes for sweets distribution. Once again, I wish you a very happy republic day and take your leave with a contented heart for this memorable celebration, thank you all.

Sample anchoring script no. 2 for the Republic Day celebration

Respected principal madam, honorable chief guest—–. Guest of honor —-, teachers non-teaching staff, and my friends, good morning and happy Republic Day to you all. 29 states, 1618 languages, 6400 castes, 6 major religions, 6 ethnic groups, and 1 country. This shows that despite having diverse cultural traditions, languages, and religions, we stand together as one. This shows our unity in diversity and we are proud that we are Indians. Today we have gathered over here to celebrate —th Republic Day.

B]  Good morning to you all and Happy Republic Day. Let’s start the celebration with Lamp lighting. I would like to call ——— for it.

A] Thank you all now—— will honor our chief guest—– with a bouquet.

B] Thank you———-. Now the most important moment of this celebration has arrived. Yes, it is flag hosting. I would like to request our chief guest——- to hoist the Indian National Flag.

Flag salute

Stand straight, don’t move, and start the national anthem.

It is time to take the pledge.

Now get ready for the flag song.

Now raise slogans with me. Bharat Mata Ki- Jai, Vande Mataram.

A] It is a very pleasant feeling on this Republic Day celebration morning. Everybody is filled with patriotic spirit. To enhance this feeling our disciplined scouts and guides will perform drill marching. Please boost them with claps.

[ drill marching]

B] It was the union of feet and beat. Amazing. Now get ready for an even more thrilling activity. Yes, our school students will form pyramids.

[ pyramids]

A] It was a breathtaking feat. Let’s appreciate their acrobatic skills with applause.

Now our music group will give a heartwarming welcome through their sweet welcome song.

[ welcome song]

B] it was a very sweet and melodious welcome. Now our 11th std girls will sing a patriotic song for our motherland.

[ patriotic song 11th std]

A] The song was dedicated to the motherland that is India. It has made us realize the value of being a free and democratic country. Our patriotic treat on the occasion of the celebration of Republic Day is not over yet.

B] Yes our school’s girl students will present a patriotic dance.

Please welcome them with claps.

[ patriotic dance]

A] it was a very beautiful and graceful dance performance. Now —— will give the introduction of our chief guest.

B] thank you very much ……. Now our school students will give speeches in English, Hindi, and Marathi.

………… from ………. Std. will give a speech in English.

A] thanks a lot for your informative speech. ……….. from  ….. std will give a speech in Hindi.

B] thank you ……….. now …… from  ……… std will give a speech in Marathi.

A] thanks a lot for your motivational speech. Let’s move to the most exciting moment, Along with curricular activities, our school also conducts various extracurricular activities like games sports, elocution competitions, essay competitions, and a lot more. All these activities are meant for our all-round development. Every year our students do their best to excel in all these activities and get the rewards as an appreciation for their efforts. Let’s move towards our prize distribution program. I would like to call ……….. sir for the announcement of the winners and I request our chief guest to give away the prizes to the winners.

[prize distribution]

B] congrats to all the winners and thank you very much our dignitaries. Now I would like to request our principal to guide us.

[principal’s speech]

A] thanks a lot sir for your inspiring words, now I would like to request our chief guest to guide us.

[chief guest’s speech]

B]Thanks a lot sir for your motivational speech and the thoughts on the experience. Now we have arrived at the concluding part of this wonderful and patriotic celebration. Our vice principal will propose a vote of thanks.

[vote of thanks]

A] Thank you, sir, now our Republic Day celebration program will end with Vande Mataram, and I request you all to stand up for it.

[vande mataram]

B] I declare that our program ends here. I request all the students to go to their respective classrooms for sweets distribution. Once again thank you all and I would like to take your leave with a grateful heart.


These are our sample anchoring scripts for the Republic Day celebration in school and college. you can use it by making necessary changes as per your need and convenience.

With love + respect from the team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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