shree Ganeshay Namah
Sample anchoring script for PTA meeting
Table of Contents
PTA meeting is very important for schools and colleges. They work as a connection between school and parents and strive for the all-round development of the students. Here is our sample anchoring script for the PTA- Parents Teachers meeting as per the specimen program schedule.
Specimen schedule for parents- teachers PTA meeting
- Welcome by anchors
- Prayer
- Principal’s speech
- PTA president’s speech
- Teacher’s speeches
- Parent’s and PTA members’ speeches
- Doubts and suggestions from PTA members and parents
- Vote of thanks
Sample agenda (List of topics to be discussed in the meeting) for the PTA meeting
1)Reading of the last meeting’s minutes.
2)School reforms
3)Fee structure changes
4)Planning for sports day and annual day
5)academic improvements
6)Starting school magazine
7)Extracurricular activities
8)Rescheduling school time
9)Exam planning
10)Parents’ and teachers’ understanding and cooperation
Sample anchoring script for parents-teachers PTA meeting
Anchor- Respected principal, Honourable president and members of PTA, Respected parents, teachers and non-teaching staff, Good morning to you all. We have gathered here for this important PTA meeting of this academic year and I and my co-anchor— welcome you all.
Anchor2- Thanks— and a warm welcome from our school and on my own behalf. We will start the meeting with prayer and lamp lighting
[prayer and Lamp lighting]
Anchor1- Thank you all. Now we will felicitate our honourable president of PTA and our principal. I would like to request our vice principal to felicitate Mr—- the president of the PTA who is our motivation and a bond between the school and parents.
Anchor2-Thank you, sir. Now our vice principal will honour our principal who is our leader and guide.
Anchor1- Thank you to all the dignitaries. After this warm felicitation, we would like to start the meeting. The agenda and all the details will be discussed here. our parents and students are very valuable to us as they have given us an opportunity to open the treasure of knowledge for them.
Anchor 2- Really PTA works as a strong connection and communicator between school and parents. so that we can improve our standards and make the teaching, and learning process interactive. So that students will be actively involved and the result will be the all-round development of the students. Now I would like to request our principal to deliver a welcome address and explain the agenda of today’s meeting.
[principal’s welcome address and Agenda]
Anchor1- Thanks a lot sir for your warm welcome and for giving the idea of today’s meeting’s agenda and the topics to be discussed. Now I would like to request our honourable — the president of PTA.
[speech by the president of PTA]
Anchor2- Thanks a lot sir for your valuable suggestions and guidance. Especially your suggestion to start a school magazine is really nice and it will help our students. Now our school teacher— will give a speech.
[teacher’s speech]
– thank you sir for your motivational thoughts. Now our respected parent Mrs.—- will express her thoughts.
Anchor1- Thank you madam for your appreciation. your suggestions are noteworthy and we will discuss them in detail and implement them after administrative approval. Now I would like to request all PTA members, parents and teachers to give their valuable suggestions and feedback for the best learning outcomes and you can ask your queries here.
[PTA members’, parents’, and teachers’ suggestions]
Anchor2- Thank you very much to all the respected PTA members, parents and teachers for your suggestions and thoughts about today’s agenda. We are sure that we have explained all the points in detail and the approved points will be implemented after finishing the formal process. We will inform you about it from time to time.
Anchor 1- Here we come to the concluding part of this meeting our school‘s senior teacher— will propose a vote of thanks.
[vote of thanks]
Anchor 2- Once again I would like to thank you all and now I would like to announce that the PTA meeting has ended.
We will meet again in the next meeting.
Anchor1- Thank you all.
This is our sample anchoring script for school or college PTA meetings or parents and teachers meetings.
With love +respect from the team
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