learnhatkey.com English grammar How to use few and a few correctly

How to use few and a few correctly

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Use of few and a few


A common confusion regarding the use of few and a few is explained here with all the necessary details and examples.

How to use few and a few correctly

1)Few is used to represent negative quantity or the shortage of something. We use it with plural countable nouns. The meaning of few is not many, less in quantity.

2)On the other hand a few means some or small amount. A few represents the positive quantity and it is used with plural countable nouns.

From the above discussion it is clear that few means very less almost not and a few means less and at least something is there in a positive manner.

Examples of the use of few and a few

1)I have few responsibilities.

2)I have a few important responsibilities.

3)He has few habits.

4)He has a few good habits.

5)They can read few books.

6)They can read a few good books during their holidays.


The above discussion makes it clear that few and a few have almost similar meaning that is very less but the difference between them is that few means very less almost not and a few means at least something in positive quantity.

With love +respect from team learnhatkey.com

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