How to change imperative sentences in passive voice

Shree Ganeshay Namah


Imperative sentences are those sentences that express order, request, advice, suggestions, urge. We can change them into passive voice by using let.

There is no subject in imperative sentences. There is you as an assumed subject.

Let’s know the correct and easiest method to convert imperative sentences into passive voice.

How to change imperative sentences into passive voice?

We are familiar with imperative sentences such as

Please help me.

Open the door.

Take this book.

Here you is the assumed subject.

We can read them as

You please help me.

You open the door.

You take this book.

Now we will learn to change such sentences in passive voice.

The formula for changing imperative sentences into passive voice

Here is the best formula to change imperative sentences into passive voice.

Let+ object+ be+ v3+ Remaining part of the sentence.

Now we will see how it works.


1) open the door.

Answer- Let the door be opened.

2) Take this book.

Answer- Let this book be taken.

3) Answer my question.

Answer- Let my question be answered.

4) Please help the poor and needy.

Answer-Let the poor and needy be helped.

5) Solve my problem.

Answer-Let my problem be solved.

How to change negative imperative sentences into passive voice

Imperative sentences can be negative also. We can change them in the passive voice as follows.

1) Don’t open the door.

Answer- Let the door not be opened.


From the above discussion, we can learn how to change imperative sentences into passive voice. We can begin the sentence with Let then use object followed by be and v3.

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With love+ respect from team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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