Use of be +adjective for blessing, motivation or instruction

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Use of be +adjective for blessing, motivation, instruction


We will see the use of be + adjective for blessings, motivation or instruction with proper examples.

Use of be +adjective for blessing, motivation, and instruction

Be is ……………. Form of verb and it is used in many English grammatical structures of English. Be can be+ adjective is used for blessing, motivation, and instruction.

We will see some examples of this use.

Use of be for blessings

  1. Be happy.
  2. Be successful
  3. Be healthy
  4. Be right always
  5. Be delightful

Negative sentences with be

1)Don’t be sad

2)Don’t be a failure

3)Don’t be afraid

Use of be for motivation

  1. Be brave
  2. Be fast
  3. Be respectful
  4. Be patient
  5. Be courageous

Negative sentences of be

1)Don’t be a coward.

2)Don’t be slow

3)Don’t be impatient

Use of be for instruction

  1. Be quiet
  2. Be careful
  3. Be simple
  4. Be helpful
  5. Be in time

Negative sentences of be

1)Don’t be noisy

2)Don’t be careless

3)Don’t be late

4)Don’t be rude

These are some of the examples of be + adjective for blessings, motivation, and instructions.

For perfect English speaking learn present, past, and future tenses here.


This is the explanation of the use of be + adjective for blessings and motivation and instructions.

With love + respect from team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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