learnhatkey.com speeches What is speech and what are the types of speech

What is speech and what are the types of speech

Shree Ganeshay Namah

What is speech and what are the types of speech


The difference between humans and other living things is the human ability to give a speech or speaking.

We will study what is speech and what are its types

What is speech

When we talk about speech there are two types of it.

First is the human ability to produce different sounds conveying some meaningful messages.

The second meaning of speech is that Speech is what the speaker says in front of the audience. Here speaker can be a political leader, businessman, manager, teacher, principal or student participating in any elocution competition.

Now we will study the types of speeches given by speakers on various occasions.

What are the types of speech?

There are 15 types of speeches. Each of them can be explained as follows.

1)Motivational speech

Motivation is daily essential for everyone who wants to produce outstanding results or even to start doing anything. Motivational speeches are a very important part of our lives as they lift our morale, make us start doing something and even make us positive from a negative mindset. There are many world-class motivators including Robin Sharma, Tony Robbins, Billy cox, Zig Ziglar.

Even there are so many local and national motivational speakers.

2)pitch speech

The speech that is given to get support for product, idea, service or solution. Mostly these kinds of speeches are given by salespersons or presenters who want to convince others about their product, idea, service or solution. In such speeches, the speaker has to explain all the details.

3)speech for the special occasion or program

There are many special occasions or programs in our life. In such cases, one needs to address the audience. Such occasions can be inauguration functions, social gatherings, or festivals.

4)Speech for the debates of different kinds

There are various situations of debate such as debate competitions, or discussions about the pros and cons of something. In such a situation, one has to choose a topic and stick to it till the end and win the debate by giving a convincing explanation of your chosen topics.

5)Orator’s speech

There are many people having extraordinary oratory skills. Their speeches are full of quotes, persuasive language, real-life examples and convincing language with a lot of anecdotes.

6)Speech for persuading or convincing

There are many occasions when one has to convince or persuade others about a certain topic or subject. For that one needs to give persuasive speeches. Such speeches are full of appealing and convincing language.

7)Informative speech

There are a lot of subjects people need to know. Informative speeches are directed to give information of such kinds of various subjects. Such speeches are full of a lot of useful information about a particular topic.

These types of informative speeches are very useful as they give valuable information to people who need it.

8) Speech for the entertainment.

Entertainment is a very important part of our life to forget our stress and relax or mind. Entertaining speeches do exactly the same thing. They perform a very vital job of entertaining people. such speeches are full of wit and humor and make fun of many things.

9)Speech for demonstrating something.

Giving a demonstration of something is a very common activity and for that, we need to prepare a demonstrative speech. In such kinds of speeches, there is a demonstration of any machine, product, idea or solution with the help of various means like slide shows, real thing working demonstration.

10)Funeral speech

Human beings are mortal and the funeral is an integral part of human life. On such occasion generally, speech is given in the memory of the person passed away and it is also to console the relatives. It is a sad occasion and language should be polite, consoling and brief.

11)Speech on the occasion of the wedding

Wedding is one of the happiest occasions in our lives. On such occasions, speeches are given to welcome the guests and to give best wishes for the newly married couple.

12)Speech of explanation

There are many concepts and things that need to be explained to students or eager learners. Complex concepts need to be explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

13)Speech for a farewell ceremony

Nothing is permanent in our life and change is the ultimate truth of human life. There are many occasions of farewell like a class farewell, employee farewell, retirement farewell and many more. The occasion is full of emotions and one needs to understand feelings and express accordingly.

14)Spontaneous speech or extempore

There are many occasions when one needs to give a speech on the spot without any preparation. Experience, patience, knowledge and public speaking skills are necessary for it. There are many speech competitions when the speaker is given a topic on the spot and needs to deliver an instant speech.

15) Gratitude speech or vote of thanks

At the end of every program, there is a vote of thanks. It is customary to express gratitude for those who participated and made any program or function successful.

Such gratitude speeches or vote of thanks are full of the feeling of gratitude for all the hands who contributed towards the success of any function.

These are the 15 types of speeches.

Speech format in English

How to start a speech of guest introduction

Sample guest introduction speech

How to write and give a vote of thanks

Speech about importance of reading.


From the above discussion, we can conclude that speech is what the speaker says in front of the audience. There are 15 types of speeches that we have discussed above.

I hope you will like this and find it useful for you. Do let us know your feelings through your comments.

With love+ respect from team learnhatkey.com

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