Shree Ganeshay Namah
What is learning, learning definition, types
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Isn’t the process of learning going on since the beginning of life on our earth? Certainly, it will go on till the end of the last living thing. Here we will see what is learning its types definitions and other details.
What is learning
Generally, we acquire new ideas, knowledge, behavior skills, or values and make a noticeable improvement in them, this very process is called learning. Learning is the activity of almost all living things prominently for humans and animals, birds, etc.
Learning is a continuous process. We learn something or other with each passing moment and our brain stores all these things in it.
Prominent and dominant learners are human beings who are curious about their surroundings and they watch, feel, taste, and smell things knowingly or unknowingly. Its experience and practice strengthen the learning enabling them to use it in day-to-day life for their benefit.
As a human being, we learn many things including speaking one or multiple languages their alphabets, reading, writing, calculations, numbers, various games, techniques, methods, skills, processes, etc.
Difficulties in learning-
But it is a proven fact that very few people become excellent learners of any particular thing. Some are good and the majority are average. Why do we fail in achieving the 100% result of any kind of learning? Reasons can be varied such as lack of trainer, knowledge, information, resources, right techniques, favorable environment, and purpose.
What is the purpose of learning?
if we know the purpose of our learning properly then we maximize the chances of making our learning successful. A person walking lazily on the road arrives at the crossroads and asks the kind gentleman sitting under the tree,” where will I reach if I take this road?” The gentleman replies,” where do you want to go?” A person replies,” Nowhere.”Then the kind gentleman answers,” Then take any road it won’t matter to you much.”
In the same way, if we don’t know the purpose of learning, we will be lost in the maze of various subjects. The purpose of learning will surely motivate us to learn wholeheartedly. We will know the pros and cons of learning. The purpose of learning is to acquire new ideas, knowledge, behavioral skills, and most importantly the ability to think logically.
What are the types of learning?
According to the VARK model, there are four types of learning. They are visual learning, auditory learning, reading/ writing learning, and kinesthetic learning. Learning can be formal or informal but both can achieve significantly similar purposes if carried out properly.
Besides these types, what we learn well matters most. In the initial phase of our life, we acquire (kind of learning through eyes and ears) language, social manners, behavioral skills, physical activities, personal care, survival skills, etc. We carry out our basic learning in schools and colleges. But real-life learning comes only through experiences in which we are directly or indirectly involved. We learn various academic subjects in school such as languages, maths, science and social science and many other subjects. It involves theory and practical.
General types of learning-
According to me, there are different combinations of learning in any person such as social, cultural, technological, physical, mental, practical, various skills, techniques, methods, activities, spiritual, scientific, medical, life, time, the universe, and most important anything bellow the sun. Everybody learns knowingly or unknowingly. Whatever efforts you take for learning decide the positive or negative or average outcome of your learning.
Difference between learning and education-
There are some differences between learning and education. Learning is the process in which we gain knowledge of other things and the skills necessary to do them. On the other hand, education is the part of the learning process. Education is the formal process that involves acquiring knowledge through learning within some limits.
Education is the thing that we acquire but learning is something that we do all the time . Education is part of the learning process which is very vast and every time we learn something or other from our surroundings, work, interactions, and what we see daily or watch around us on TV or mobile screen. Education has limits, goals, degrees, honors, certificates, and medals. On the other hand, learning is a continuous process and we get material rewards after we master something. Learning is a continuous process. If we stop learning, we will lag behind and we cannot keep pace with time.
Qualities of the learning-
learning has certain qualities and all are applicable to education which is its part these qualities can be given as follows
1) continuous process
from the birth of human beings or even any other living thing learning starts and we keep on learning throughout our lives
2) interactive
Learning is an interactive process. It involves dialogues, exchange of thoughts, and ideas, presenting ideas, explanation using projectors, mass media of communication sources, pictures, and audio-visual means.
3) The only way to acquire knowledge,information, and skills-
There is no other way to acquire knowledge, information, and skills other than learning. If you learn, you will be a knowledgeable and skilled person.
4) purpose-
Whatever we do has a purpose and learning is not an exception to it. Learning has certain purposes like gaining knowledge, and information and acquiring skills and experiences to use in our daily life . The chief purpose of learning is to become a better human being and make this life meaningful.
Learning is experience based. We learn many new things from our experiences which can be good or bitter but the experience is the greatest teacher of every learner. So as a learner we should take a variety of experiences to learn more.
6) Related to change-
Change in behavior due to experiences and practices is called as learning. So change is the most important factor of learning as well as life on this earth.
7) Interesting-
Anything that is interesting attracts eager learners and sustains them for a lifetime in it. In that sense, there is nothing which is boring. Our negative mindset and some avoidable things make it like that. Learning new things is always interesting if its method, content, and presentation are good.
8) simple and easy to understand-
Obscure and difficult learning drives away people. On the other hand simple, easy-to-understand learning attracts them. It is a proven fact but everything doesn’t appear that much easy. Everybody wants to learn things easily but there are certain factors that decide the easiness of learning such as teachers, content, environment, the attitude of the learners, mindset, creativity, and the art of making things interesting and easy to understand.
9) practical and useful
If learning is practical,activity-based, and useful then it will be easy to acquire and it will create more value and practical benefits. If we can apply learning in our lives then its purpose will be fulfilled.
10) combination of theory and practical
Every kind of learning is based on some theory and it involves practical to prove that theory. Only theory or only practical will not give us desired results.So if there is the perfect blend of theory and practical, then any kind of learning will become fruitful and successful.
11) Dynamic and updated-
Learning is a dynamic process and it has a great heritage of thousands of years. It forms the foundation of learning but it is being continuously modified and updated to suit modern Times which is marked by technology and machines.
12) Creative and thought-provoking-
learning is the creative process that develops the ability to produce new things the cheap objective of learning should be to encourage and develop creativity e and thinking ability.
13) Value-based-
Learning is always value-based. It inculcates various values like hard work, honesty, punctuality respectfulness, obedience, creativity, and good manners. If there are no values in learning then it will be of no use in human life.
14) Trustworthy-
Learning must be trustworthy and one must be able to prove it by examples. There is no chance to call fake things as real. So learning should always be trustworthy.
These are the qualities of learning-.
The 21st century is a time dominated by technology, especially by mobile and internet-involved virtual communication and other activities. It will be good for all of us to know how to learn good things from mobile and the internet and how to protect ourselves from its harmful effects. In this regard, it is my sincere effort to share my knowledge and experience with a total belief of making this world a beautiful place. So Happy learning all the time but the right things only. Therefore is in your service to guide you to the right direction.
So it is clear that learning is acquiring new ideas, knowledge, behavioral skills, and values and making noticeable changes in us. Various factors affect learning such as lack of changes in the various factors affect learning such as lack of trainer or lack of knowledge, information, content, resources, right techniques, environment and purpose.
We can say that purpose of learning is to develop ourselves in such a way that we are well-behaved, respected, financially sound, and most importantly a good human beings. Learning has certain qualities which we should know and understand. What do you think about it? Please let me know through your comments below.
With love + respect from team