Use of whomsoever and whichever in English grammar

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Use of whomsoever and whichever in English grammar


Here we will see the meanings and examples of whomsoever and whichever in English grammar.

Use of whomsoever in English grammar

First, we will see the meaning of whomsoever.

Meaning of whomsoever in English grammar

The meaning of whomsoever in English grammar is that it is an objective case of whosoever that means any person or regardless of who.

Now we will see some examples of the use of whomsoever in English sentences

Examples of whomsoever in English grammar

1)whomsoever he meets, becomes a friend.

2)Whomsoever it may concern.

3)Whomsoever you beat yesterday, he has come here now.

4)Whomsoever we meet, we should use polite greeting words.

5)Whomsoever you trust, don’t do it blindly.

Use of whichever in English grammar

Here we will see the use of whichever with its meaning and examples.

Meaning of whichever in English grammar

The meaning of whichever is any which or regardless of which.

Now we will see some examples of the use of whichever

Examples of the use of whichever in English grammar.

Now we will use of whichever in the sentences.

1)Whichever decision you have taken, I do not agree with it.

2)Whichever book he reads, he gets influenced by it.

3)I want to purchase a car whichever it may be.

4)Whichever trees give us fruits, we should protect and grow them.

5)Whichever road you take, you will reach your destination.

These are some of the examples of whomsoever and whichever with their meanings and explanations.


You can use whomsoever and whichever in your sentences to express a wide variety of meanings through written or oral communication.

With love+ respect from team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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