Use of wherever, whereas and whereabouts in English grammar

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Use of wherever, whereas, and whereabouts in English grammar


Here we will see the use of wherever in English grammar.

Use of wherever in English grammar

Now we will see the use of where ever in English grammar

Meaning of wherever

The meaning of wherever is in whatever place or to whatever place.

wherever is used as an adverb in English sentences.

Examples of the use of wherever

1)Wherever you go, you will find me with you.

2)Wherever it rains heavily, crops grow nicely.

3)Wherever I go, he follows me.

4)Wherever they live, they will never forget us.

5)Wherever she goes, she finds something interesting.

The above examples will clear your doubts about the use of wherever.

Now we will some more adverbs formed with where

Use of whereas in English grammar

The meaning of whereas is in contrast with the fact.

Examples of the use of whereas

1)He is a good student whereas his brother is a good friend.

2)City life is fast whereas village life is slow.

3)Computer is costly whereas mobile is cheaper.

Use of whereabouts in English grammar

The meaning of whereabouts is the place where someone or something is.

Examples of the use of whereabouts

1)I don’t know his whereabouts.

2)She wanted to know my whereabouts.

3)He told me the whereabouts of my friends.


This is the use of wherever and whereas and whereabouts.

With love +respect from team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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