Past form of buy | buy past tense

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Past form of buy | buy past tense


There are five verb forms in English. They are base form, past form, past participle form, third-person singular form and present participle form.

If you want to use English correctly then learn all the details of present, past and future tenses here.

Here we will see the past form of buy and its other verb forms also.

Base form v1 Past form v2 Past participle form v3 Third-person singular form Present Participle form meaning
buy bought bought buys buying Get in return for payment.

Past form of buy

The past form of buy is bought. We will see some examples of buy in past form.

  1. I bought that storybook yesterday.
  2. We bought our sports dress.
  3. They bought fruits and vegetables.
  4. She bought a new dress for the function.
  5. You bought your grocery.

Meaning of buy

The meaning of buy is to get in return for payment.

Base form of buy.

Base form of buy is buy.

Here are some examples of the use of base form of buy.

  1. I buy books daily.
  2. We buy our necessary things monthly.
  3. Sam and his friends buy from this shop.

Past participle form of buy

Past participle form of buy is bought.

We will see some examples of the use of buy as past participle.

  1. I have bought this book.
  2. We had bought that car.
  3. You will have bought books by next Monday.

Third-person singular form of buy

Third-person singular form of buy is buys. We will see some examples of use of buy as third-person singular verb form used in simple present tense.

  1. He buys storybooks.
  2. She buys sweets and chocolates for us.
  3. John buys pens daily.

Present participle form of buy.

Present participle form of buy is buying.

We will see some of the examples of buy as participle form


  1. I am buying books.
  2. He was buying his dress.
  3. She is buying utensils.

Conclusion for past form of buy

These are the examples and explanations of the use of buy in past form, base form, past participle form, third-person singular form and present participle form.

With love +respect from team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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