How to use there and their correctly

Shree Ganeshay Namah


Often we get confused in the use of there and their as they have similar pronouns and identical spellings but don’t get confused as both of them have different meanings.

Let’s learn all the details of their use in our daily speaking and writing.

What are there and their?

There can be used as adverbs, pronouns, nouns, interjections, or adjectives. It depends on the context of use.

On the other hand, their is a possessive adjective.

e.g. 1) I saw a tree there.

here there is an adverb helping the main verb saw.

2)There is a tree.

Here there is a pronoun.

3)I saw their tree.

here their is used as a possessive adjective.

Difference between the use of there and their

We should take notice of the difference between the use of there and their.

Basically, there is pronoun and adverb and their is a possessive adjective. This is the right and main difference between both of these important words in the English language.

We will learn this difference with the help of the following examples.

These examples will solve your doubts about how to use there and their correctly.

e.g. 1)There is a big fort.

2) There are big forts.

These two examples will also clear your doubts about the use of there is and there are.

When there is used as a pronoun for singular noun and there are is used as a pronoun for the plural noun.

3) He will go there.

there is an adverb here in this sentence.

4) People helped in their journey.

their is used as a possessive adjective which shows something related to the noun.

5) Their books showed them the right way.

6) I like their confidence.


From the above discussion, we can conclude that there is a world of difference between the use of there and their.

Basically, there is used as adverb and pronoun and their is used as a possessive adjective

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With love+ respect from team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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