How to say thank you differently

Shree Ganeshay Namah

How to say thank you differently


When someone helps us and we feel grateful for him or her, we express our gratitude by saying Thank You. it is the best way and general practice. We use some general words but we should use different ways to say thank you. so here we will learn about how to say thank you differently in any formal or informal situation.

But language is always changing and overused words recede away and new words take their place. So we need to use different ways to say thank you to avoid overused and monotonous thank you.

Let’s see what are some of the formal and informal alternatives to thank you and its general expressions which include thanking words.

General ways to say thank you or express gratitude

Generally, we use the following expressions to thank someone.

1)Thank you

2)Thanks a lot

3)Thank you very much

4)Thank you so much

5)I thank you from the bottom of my heart

6)Thank you kindly

7)Thanks a million

8)Many many thanks

9)warmest thanks

10)I thank you wholeheartedly

11)Kindly accept my deepest thanks

12)Can’t thank you enough

13)Thanks a bunch

These are some of the general expressions for expressing our gratitude and thanking someone. But nowadays we have started using a lot of different ways to express thank you or we can replace it with them with great positive effect and impact.

Different ways to say thank you

We can use different expressions to say thank you. they help us to avoid the overuse of the same words. At the same time, these expressions are very interesting and they will definitely give an edge to your formal and informal communication.

First, we will see some formal expressions to say thank you differently or to replace the word thank you. these alternatives to thank you are very important and everyone should know them properly and use them in various situations.

Formal expressions to say thank you differently

1)I appreciate that

This is a formal expression to say thank you differently. It can be used in formal situations.

Eg. your presentation was really nice and I appreciate that.

2)You are a lifesaver

You can use this expression in any formal situation.

Eg. you handled a situation. you are really a lifesaver.

3)I don’t know what to do without you.

Eg. you gave me the necessary information for my career. I don’t know what to do without you.

4)Eternally grateful/beyond grateful/Always grateful for your support.

You can use these alternatives to replace thank you.

Eg. You all helped me to overcome difficult times. I am eternally grateful/beyond grateful/always grateful for your support.

5)Thank you for making my day.

Eg. you went away 10 km to bring my dress for the function. Thanks for making my day.

6)Thanks for being in my corner

Eg. you advised me on time to avoid my loss. Thanks for being in my corner.

7)So glad you are on my team.

Eg. your timely correction saved us time. So glad you are on my team.

These are some of the formal ways to say thank you. you should use them as per the situation.

Now we will see some informal ways to say thank you differently.

How to say thank you in an informal way

Here are some of the handy expressions to say thank you differently.

8)You are a star

This is one of the best ways to replace thank you.

Eg. you remembered my birthday and sent me a very nice gift. You are a star.

9)You are an absolute star.

Eg. you understood my problem and offered timely help. You are an absolute star.


Eg. cheers for your invitation


This is a Latin phrase used instead of thanking you.

Eg. you took initiative for my project. Ta.

These are some of the ways to say thank you differently. You can use these alternative words for thank you as per the situation.

How to respond to thank you

When someone thanks us we need to respond in a positive or correct manner otherwise it will be considered rude behavior. So here is the list of different formal and informal ways to say thank you.

1)You are welcome

2)You are very welcome


4)That’s all right

5)It’s all right

6)All right

7)No problem

8)No worries

9)Don’t mention it

10)It is my pleasure

11)My pleasure

12)You are the best

13)You are awesome

14)It’s okay

15)Okey dokey (Highly informal)

16)Very well

17)Fair enough

18)Right oh!

19)Thanks (With some stress and affection)

20)The pleasure is mine

21)It was nothing


23)Any time

24)It was the least I could do

25)I know you would be the same for me

26)Much obliged

27)I am very much obliged to you

28)I am very happy to help you.

These are some of the different ways to respond to thank you or its alternatives in formal and informal situations.


From the above discussion, we can conclude that there are a lot of different ways to say thank you. you can use these alternatives for thank you as per the situation. You will have always an edge over the others if you use these creative ways to say thank you.

With love +respect from team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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