Birthday wishes for all


Birthday is a very special occasion for every person in the world. It is unique for all and he or she is the happiest person on this day. Our birthday wishes are here to wish your loved one on this very special day of birthday.

We wish our parents, siblings, friends, relatives and colleagues on their birthdays. Our wishes add more happiness to them. For that we need to choose words carefully but don’t worry. We have given our best to create birthday wishes for all your loved ones.

The most important ways to greet our birthday person is to present greeting card, gift , messages, wishes, party and many more. But the thing matters most is true feelings expressed through words and actions.

Birthday wishes for all

So we have made a collection of unique Birthday wishes, quotes, messages that you can use for all.

1)Happy birthday to you, May God fill your life with joy and happiness and fulfil your wishes.

2)Birthday comes once in a year to give sweet memories forever. May each day give you a lot of joy and fond memories forever. Happy birthday to you.

3)Don’t count the number of years, Just count the happy moments. Forget bitter things and cherish your blessings. Happy birthday to you.

4)May you live thousands of years with each year having lakhs of days. Happy birthday to you.

5)Your birthday is very special for all of us. Enjoy each moment and be happy and successful all the time. Happy birthday to you.

6)Birthday doesn’t mean you have become older but it means you have become more knowledgeable and experienced to enjoy life wholeheartedly. Happy birthday to you.

7)On your birthday, I wish you good health, wealth and a lot of happiness all the time in your life. Happy birthday to you.

8)Be happy, persistent, creative and successful in your life and make it the most memorable for all. Happy birthday to you.

9)Each day is a new day but your birthday makes it a very special day for all of us. Happy birthday.

10)Principal business of life is to enjoy it happily. may you be happy with a lot of enjoyment in your successful life. Wish you the happiest birthday.


We hope you will like our birthday wishes that you can use to wish all your loved ones.

With love+ respect from team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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