learnhatkey.com Motivational quotes Best Labour’s day quotes for 1st May 2021

Best Labour’s day quotes for 1st May 2021


Labour’s are the backbone of this world’s functioning as their sweat makes the world move ahead.

As our respect and proud for labours we have prepared the following labour’s day quotes .

Labour’s day quotes for 1st May 2021

1. Your sweat feeds the world and provides everything the world needs.

Happy labour’s day.

2. You work, you grow, you prepare and you deliver everything needed. The greatest salute .happy labour’s day. 1st May 2021

3. Labours are the angels who perform God’s duty to make sure the smooth functioning of this world.

Happy labour’s day. 1st May, 2021.

4. You perform your duty in every condition as your own work to make this world a better place.

Happy labour’s day. 1st May ,2021.

5. You are the God’s hands making this world beautiful and liveable place.

Thanks a lot.

Happy labour’s day. 1st May, 2021.

Conclusion for labour’s day quotes

These are our quotes as our respect for all the labours.

Happy labour’s day

With love +respect from team learnhatkey.com

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