learnhatkey.com English grammar Fall past form | past form of fall

Fall past form | past form of fall

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Fall past form | past form of fall


There are two ways to make past and past participle verb forms in English. The first is by adding ed and the second type is of irregular verbs. Bite is also an irregular verb and its three verb forms v1, v2, and v3 are different.

We will see the past tense of fall and also the meaning, base form, past participle form, third person singular form, and present participle form of fall with examples.

Here we will see the past form of fall and its other verb forms also.

Base form v1 Past form v2 Past participle form v3 Third-person singular form Participle form Meaning of fall
fall fell fallen falls falling Move downwards without control or become less.

Meaning of fall

The general meaning of fall is to Move downwards without control or become less.

Fall past form | past form of fall

The past form of fall is fell. We will see some examples of fall in past form.


  1. He fell down from the top.
  2. She fell down while walking uphill.
  3. They fell in their task.
  4. Sam fell miserably in his work.
  5. You fell every time because of confusion.

The base form of fall

The base form of fall is fall.

Here are some examples of the use of the base form of fall.

  1. We fall down because of gravity.
  2. People fall down on the slippery road.
  3. You fall down with others in teamwork.
  4. Fruits fall down after ripening.
  5. Objects fall down when thrown high above the earth.

Past participle form of fall .

Past participle form of fall is fallen.

We will see some examples of the use of the past participle of fall.

1)He has fallen down from the hill.

2)She has fallen down in the mud.

3)They have fallen from a great height.

4)He had fallen down because of his mistake.

5)Harry will have fallen down on the slippery road.

The third-person singular form of fall

The third-person singular form of fall is falls. We will see some examples of use of fall as a third-person singular verb form used in the simple present tense.


  1. He falls every time on that road.
  2. She falls short of time for her project.
  3. Sam falls with his group.
  4. A child falls down while learning to walk.
  5. A heavy tree falls down because of wind and soil erosion.

Present participle form of fall

The present participle form of fall is falling.

We will see some of examples of the present participle form of fall.


  1. He is falling down.
  2. They have been falling from the peak.
  3. She is falling in love with him.
  4. You had been falling in love with your work.
  5. We were falling down the steps.

Conclusion for fall past form

These are the examples and explanations of the use of fall in past form, the base form, past participle form, third-person singular form, and present participle form.

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