learnhatkey.com English grammar What are subject, object and predicate in English grammar

What are subject, object and predicate in English grammar

Shree Ganeshay Namah

What are subject, object, and predicate in English grammar


To learn any language including English, we must know its sentence construction.

The sentence of the English language is consisted of subject and predicate and the object is also an important part of it. We know that sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense.

Here we will learn what is subject, object, and predicate in the English language.

What is subject, object and predicate in English grammar

Let’s see first,

what is subject in English grammar.

The part of the sentence that names a person or thing spoken about is called a subject.

In simple words, the subject is a doer.

We generally talk about people, places, things, etc and they are called as subjects of our English sentences.

The subject is easily found by asking questions to the main verb with who.

Example 1)Students learn English.

If we ask a question with who to the main verb learn then,

Who learn English?

The answer will be Students. So it is the subject of the above-given sentence.

Example2) Good books give knowledge.

Who gives knowledge?

The answer is Good Books which is the subject of this sentence.

Mostly subject is at the beginning of the sentence but sometimes it is at the end

Example1) There goes, my friend.

Here my friend is the subject.

In imperative sentences, the subject is omitted but You as a subject is assumed.

Example1)(You) St Open the door.

What is an object in English grammar?

Here we will see what is object and how to find out the object of the sentence

The object is the part of the action performed by the subject.

In simple words, the object receives the action carried out by the subject. So it is also called a Receiver.

How to find out the object in the sentence

It is very easy to find out the object in any given sentence.

For that, we need to ask a question to the main verb with what or whom

Let me explain it with the help of examples.

Example 1) Students learn English.

We will ask questions to the main verb with what.

What do we learn?

The answer will be English which is the object of this sentence.

Example 2)Teacher helps students.

Whom does the teacher help?

The answer is Teacher which is the object of this sentence.

Types of objects in English grammar

There are two types of objects in English grammar. They are 1)Direct object 2)Indirect object

When we ask question to the main verb with what and get an answer then it is the direct object and when we ask a question to the main verb with whom then we get the indirect object.

Example 1)She gave me a book.

What did she give?

A book- is the direct object.

Whom did she give a book to?

me- it is an indirect object.

What is the predicate in English grammar?

Let’s see what is the predicate in English grammar

The part of the sentence which tells something about the subject is called a predicate.

In simple words whatever is left in the sentence except the subject is the predicate of it.

Let me clear this up with examples.

Example 1)Students learn English in their classes with proper attention.

Here Students is a subject and

The predicate is “learn English in their classes with proper attention”

In this way, we have a detailed description of the subject, object, and predicate in English grammar.


From the above discussion, we can conclude that subject is the one about which we are talking in the sentence, the object is the part of the action or activities carried out by the subject and the predicate is whatever is told about the subject.

I hope this is useful for you.

With love+ respect from team learnhatkey.com

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