learnhatkey.com English grammar How to learn and master present, past, and future tenses in the English language

How to learn and master present, past, and future tenses in the English language

Shree Ganeshay Namah

How to learn and master present, past, and future tenses in the English language


The tense in language grammar, present, past, future, formulas, rules, examples, and exercises is very important for mastering the English language. Almost all grammar structures and sentence constructions are based on teens. So if you master tenses then you will have command over English 

Here we will learn all tenses with formulas, examples, uses, and exercises.




Do you want to know what exactly we will learn? Yes, I will give that complete tense learning exercise guide with all tenses, subtypes, sentence construction formulas(syntax), real-life examples, and Highly useful ways to use each tense in day-to-day speaking and writing, and communication with the right examples.

You will find every single detail of all the tenses in English language grammar here. We can call time instead of Tense to better understand its concept.

The most vital thing about Tense(time)is that if you get command over tenses, you will be a fluent and expert English speaker and communicator.

If you want to learn spoken English, first master tenses and start practicing, Even I have followed this same way and now providing the same for you with the guarantee of success if followed properly.

Let us start our journey of English mastery including spoken, written, and every other aspect of this world language which will take you to the heights of success without losing your connection to your mother tongue.

What is tense in English language grammar?

Tense is the form of the verb that shows the time of action. Tense =time and it tells us whether the action takes place in the present or took place in the past or in the future.

Let’s see this with the help of examples.

Eg. 1)John plays football. Here verb form plays shows the present


2)John played football. Here verb form played shows past time.

3)John will play football. Here verb form will play shows future time.

So it is clear that time(tense) is of three main types.

1)present( tense) time—-

2)past( tense) time—-

3)future (tense) time—-

Roughly we can associate today, yesterday, and tomorrow with them as follows—

present tense time= today

past tense time =yesterday

future tense time= tomorrow

It is just to give the basic idea of what tense exactly means. Now there are four sub-types of each tense.


2)Continuous ( progressive)—


4)Perfect continuous (progressive)

In English, we have 3 main tenses(time) present, past, and future and we have a total of 12 aspects(subtypes) of tenses.

This division makes it convenient to express time with more accuracy with a wide range of actual time ideas.

Names of these 12 tenses are as follows,

1)simple present tense ( time)

2)present continuous (progressive) tense (time)

3)present perfect tense( time)

4)present perfect continuous (progressive) tense ( time)

5)simple past tense (time)

6)past continuous ( progressive) tense (time)

7)past perfect tense (time)

8)past perfect continuous (progressive) tense (time)

9)simple future tense (time)

10)future continuous (progressive) tense (time)

11)future perfect tense (time)

12)future perfect continuous (progressive) tense (time)

Here we are going to know all the details of these 12 tenses with a simple easy and hatkey method. So that you will learn. use and remember tense on a lifelong basis.

We will see each tense with its four types of sentences. They are as follows,

1)Affirmative sentence

2)Negative sentence

3)Interrogative sentence

4)Interrogative negative sentence

So we will get a total of 48 syntaxes(formulas/rules) for study and easy learning

Syntax(Rule or formula of sentence construction) of each tense and examples and uses with important details.

1)present tense

Now we will study all the details of the present tense.

1)Simple present tense ( time) formulas, examples, and uses


a)Simple present tense affirmative sentence

First, we will see its syntax (rule/formula of sentence construction)

Subject+v1+s/es+ object

Note —For the sake of convenience in learning and memorizing, In all the syntaxes, we will use the object after the main verb though it is not necessary that every sentence will have the object. so hereafter we will write formulas of each tense as, subject + v+ object

use of s / es—- when the subject is a third-person singular pronoun or noun( he/ she/ it/John) then es is used with the main verb as a suffix(which is used after the last letter of a word) and s is used with all the other subjects (I, we, you, you, they, plural nouns)

eg. Washes, goes, watches, flies, cooks, plays, runs, etc.

There are 10 possible subjects of any sentence. They are as follows I, we, you(singular), you(plural), they, Plural nouns all, he, she, it, singular nouns all. So we will see 10 basic sentences of each tense for the convenience of understanding’

10 basic Examples of simple present tense affirmative sentences,

1) I take a decision.

2)we take a decision.

3)you (singular)take a decision.

4)you (plural) take a decision.

5)They take a decision.

6)Students (plural noun) take a decision.

7)He takes a decision.

8)She takes a decision.

9)It takes a decision.

10)John (singular noun) takes a decision.


These are basic possible sentences of the simple present tense affirmative sentence. We can also learn them together as follows.

1)I/we/you/you/they/students take a decision.

2)He/she/it/John takes a decision.

Here are some more examples from day-to-day life.

1. I speak English daily.

2. We help each other.

3. She learns classical dance and music.

4)My friends go for a morning walk every day.

5)My mother prepares delicious dishes weekly.

B)Simple present tense negative sentence


Subject +do/does+not+v1+object

Use of do/does—I-do,we-do,you(singular)-do,You(plural)-do,They-do,students(plural noun)-do, He-does ,She-does, It-does, John(singular noun)-does,

10 basic sentence examples—

1)I do not take a decision.

2)We do not take a decision.

3)You(singular) do not take a decision.

4)You(plural) do not take a decision.

5)They do not take a decision.

6)Students(plural noun) do not take a decision.

7)He does not take a decision.

8)She does not take a decision.

9)It does not take a decision.

10)John(singular noun) does not take a decision.

Some more examples for practice—

1)we do not avoid studying.

2)She does not take a siesta.

3)John does not get up early in the morning.

4)Sam does not get ready for college.

5)People do not follow traffic rules.

C)simple present tense interrogative sentences



10 basic sentence examples—

1. Do I take a decision?

2. Do we take a decision?

3. Do you(s) take a decision?

4. Do you(p) take a decision?

5. Do they take a decision?

6. Do students (p.n.) take a decision?

7. Does he take a decision?

8. Does she take a decision?

9. Does it take a decision?

10. Does John(s.) take a decision?

Basic wh questions in simple present tense—

1)What do I/we/you/you/they/students play?

2) What does He/she/it/John play?

3)What/when/where/why/how do I/we/you/you/they/students play?

4) What/when/where/why/how does He/she/it/John play?

Some more examples for practice—

1)Do you learn new things daily?

2)Does Rita apply cosmetics?

3)Does the father pray and worship daily?

4)Does the mother prepare breakfast?

5)Do they encourage each other?

D)Simple present tense interrogative negative sentence




1. Do I not take a decision?

2. Do we not take a decision?

3. Do you(s) not take a decision?

4. Do you(p) not take a decision?

5. Do they not take a decision?

6. Do students (p.n.) not take a decision?

7. Does he not take a decision?

8. Does she not take a decision?

9. Does it not take a decision?

10. Does John(s.n.) not take a decision?

Some more examples for practice-

1)Do you not read books?

2)Does he not ask questions?

3)Does a dog not chase vehicles?

4)Does a tree not demand anything from us?

5)Do you not comb daily?

In this way, we have all four types of sentences of simple present tense. Here we will write collective syntaxes for our practice

1.subject + v1 +s/es + object

2. Subject +do/does+not+v1+object


4. Do/does+subject+not+v1+object+?

Wait, simple present tense is not over yet,

Sentences with am/is/are/was/were/will be/shall be without main verbs cover almost 50% of daily speaking. Here is the best guide for it.

Simple present tense with am is, are with am/is/are without main verbs

2)I am a happy student.

3)I am a very happy student.

4)I am a very happy student in my class.

This is also simple present tense. There is no main verb(Come, go, read, write) but there is an auxiliary verb. Let us know more about it.

Subject +am/is/are+(adverb)(adjective)(noun)(phrase/modifier).

We can make such sentences to express a wide variety of meanings in our day-to-day speaking and writing.

Eg.1.I am a very good programmer in my team.

2. We are very good programmers in my team.

3. You(s.) are a very good programmer in my team.

4. You(p.) are very good programmers in my team.

5. They are very good programmers in my team.

6. Students(p.n.) are very good programmers in my team.

7. He is a very good programmer in my team.

8. She is a very good programmer in my team.

9. It is a very good programmer in my team.

10. John(s.n.) is a very good programmer in my team.

We can also write these sentences in short as follows—

1)I am a very good programmer in my team.

2)You are a very good programmer in my team.

3)We/you/they/students are very good programmers in my team.

4)He/she/it/John is a very good programmer in my team.

We can also prepare negative, interrogative, and interrogative negative sentences.

2)Negative–Subject+ am/is/are+ not+(adverb)(adjective)(noun)(phrase/modifier).

Eg.1.I am not a good programmer in my team.

2. You(s.) are not a good programmer in my team.

3. We/you(p.)/they/students are not good programmers in my team.

4. He/she/It/John is not a good programmer in my team.

3)Interrogative—Am/is/are+ subject+(adverb)(adjective)(noun)(phrase/modifier)+?

Eg.1.Am I a good programmer in my team?

2. Are you(s.) a good programmer in my team?

3. Are we/you(p.)/they/students good programmers in my team?

4. Is he/she/It/John a good programmer in my team?

4)Interrogative negative— Am/is/are+subject+not+(adverb)(adjective)(noun)(phrase/modifier)?

Eg.1.Am I not a good programmer in my team?

2. Are you(s.) not a good programmer in my team?

3. Are we/you(p.)/they/students not good programmers in my team?

4. Is he/she/It/John not a good programmer in my team?

Now the most important part of simple present tense after learning its sentences, we will know about its uses which are very important.

Main uses of simple present tense

1)Simple present tense is used to tell our daily routine activities.

Eg. I get up at 6.00 a.m.

2. we work all day.

3. I go to bed at 11.00 p.m.

My daily routine—-I get up at 6.00 a.m. I brush my teeth and take a bath. I go for a morning -walk. I take exercise and do yoga and meditation. I read the newspaper and catch up with the morning news. I have my breakfast, then I get ready for my college. I reach there by 10.00 a. m. I have lunch at 1.00 p.m.I return home around 6.00 p.m.I take a wash and have snacks and tea. After that, I rest for a while. I chat with family and friends. I finish my Routine work. I have dinner at 9.00 p.m. with my family. I watch TV for some time. I go to bed at 11.00 p.m. This is my daily routine.

2)use of simple present tense to give universal truths.

Eg. 1. The sun gives life to all living things.

2. The earth revolves around the sun.

3. Two and two make four.

4. Oil floats on the water.

5)The sun rises in the East and sets in the west.

3)use of simple present tense For the narration of the film, drama, and incident.

4)use of simple present tense For the live commentary of any match or event.

5)use of simple present tense for Headlines of the newspapers

Headlines are always in the simple present tense to grab the attention of the readers and all the other details are mostly in the simple past tense

Eg.1) President announces social welfare schemes.

2)The prime minister visits the Gulf countries.

6)use of simple present tense To give nature and habits of people.

Eg. 1. He always speaks the truth.

2. Teacher is a satisfied person.

3. Harry takes exercises daily.

7)use of simple present tense To give proverbs and quotations.

Eg. 1. Slow and steady wins the race.

2. Try try but don’t cry.

3. Always do the right things only.

8)Use of simple present tense To give general truths which happen all the time.

(weekly, monthly, annually, yearly, after a fortnight, daily)

Eg. 1. His family goes for a picnic yearly.

2. He practices daily.

3. John visits the park weekly.

9)use of the simple present tense for giving Dramatic presence

—When we are talking about something or expecting something, At the same time it comes in front of us, then we use simple present tense with Here and There to express ourselves.

Eg. 1. Here comes the bus.

2. There goes, my brother.

2)Present continuous (progressive) tense with formulas examples and uses


After careful study of the simple present tense Now we will learn in detail about this tense.

A)present continuous tense Affirmative sentences


Subject +am/is/are+v1+ing+object

Use of am/is/are—-I-am,we-are,




10 basic examples for practice—

1. I am taking a decision.

2. We are taking a decision.

3. You(s.) are taking a decision.

4. You(p.) are taking a decision.

5. They are taking a decision.

6. Students (p.n.) are taking a decision.

7. He is taking a decision.

8. She is taking a decision.

9. It is taking a decision.

10. John (s.n.) is taking a decision.

More examples for practice—

1)You are utilizing your time.

2)It is raining now.

3)It is getting cold.

4)My bike is moving fast.

5)She is drawing a picture.

B)present continuous tense Negative sentence


Subject +am/is/are+ not +v1+ing+object


1. I am not taking a decision.

2. We are not taking a decision.

3. You(s.) are not taking a decision.

4. You(p.) are not taking a decision.

5. They are not taking a decision.

6. Students(p.n.) are not taking a decision.

7. He is not taking a decision.

8. She is not taking a decision.

9. It is not taking a decision.

10. John(s.n.) is not taking a decision.

Some more examples for practice. —

1)They are not following the rules.

2)It is not working as per our expectations.

3)Mother is not laying the dining table.

4)People are taking out a procession.

5)My watch is keeping the correct time but your watch is lagging behind.

C)present continuous tense Interrogative sentences


Am/is/are+ subject+v1+ing+object+?

Examples for practice—

1. Am I taking a decision?

2. Are we taking a decision?

3. Are You(s.) taking a decision?

4. Are You(p.) taking a decision?

5. Are they taking a decision?

6. Are students(p.n.) taking a decision?

7. Is he taking a decision?

8. Is she taking a decision?

9. Is it taking a decision?

10. Is John(s.n.) taking a decision?

Basic wh-questions for practice—

1)What am I playing?

2) What/when/where/why/how are we/you/you/they/students playing?

3) What/when/where/why/how is He/she/it/John playing?

More examples for practice—

1)Are you kidding me?

2)Are you making excuses to hide your laziness?

3)Is he sowing seeds?

4)Is it getting cold?

5)Is it moving fast now?

D)present continuous tense Interrogative negative sentences


Am/is/are+subject+not+v1+ing +obj+?

Examples for practice—

1. Am I not taking a decision?

2. Are we not taking a decision?

3. Are you(s.) not taking a decision?

4. Are you(p.) not taking a decision?

5. Are they not taking a decision?

6. Are students(p.n.) not taking a decision?

7. Is he not taking a decision?

8. Is she not taking a decision?

9. Is it not taking a decision?

10. Is John(s.n.) not taking a decision?

More examples for practice—

1)Is the shopkeeper not selling consumer goods?

2)Are people not gathering in the middle of the road?

3)Are you not thinking about it?

4)Is she not getting ready for the function?

5)Are you not doing your best?

In this way, we have four types of sentences of present continuous tense.

1 Subject +am/is/are+v1+ing+object

2 Subject +am/is/are+ not +v1+ing+object

3 Am/is/are+ subject+v1+ing+object+?

4 Am/is/are+subject+not+v1+ing +obj+?

Uses of present continuous (progressive) tense

1)this tense is used for the actions which are going on right now in front of our eyes at the time of speaking, writing, listening, or thinking.

1)It is raining cats and dogs.

2)We are learning tenses.

3)She is watching TV.

2)Some actions take place usually(daily), actually, they are normally given in the simple present tense but sometimes we can use present continuous tense for them. This use is occasional. Don’t use it frequently in place of simple present tense.

Eg. 1)John does not play outdoor games nowadays.(simple present tense)

——John is not playing outdoor games nowadays.(present continuous tense)

2)she studies only during exam months.

——She is studying only during exam months.

3)For planned future—present continuous tense in the form of to be going to is used for future action which is planned already. (planned future)

Eg. 1)He will learn English from today. (simple future tense)

——-He is going to learn English from today.

So this is all about the present continuous tense. Now we will learn the Present perfect tense.

3)Present perfect tense with formulas examples and uses

Congrats !!! you have successfully learned and understood two tenses and this tense is also very important in the sense that many users commit mistakes in its use similar to the past tense. We will study them at the end of this tense. first study its sentence construction.

A)present perfect tense Affirmative sentence


Subject+ have/has+v3(Past participle of main verb)+object

Use of have/has—I-have, we-have,

you have, you(p.)-have,

they-have, Students(p.n.)-have,

he-has, she-has, it-has, John(s. n.)-has.

Examples for practice—

1. I have taken a decision.

2. We have taken a decision.

3. You(s.)have taken a decision.

4. You(p.) have taken a decision.

5. They have taken a decision.

6. Students(p.n.) have taken a decision.

7. He has taken a decision.

8. She has taken a decision.

9. It has taken a decision.

10. John(s. n.) has taken a decision.

More examples for practice—

1)I have completed my degree from this college.

2)You have done a computer course.

3)He has broken a table.

4)People have beaten the stray, mad dog.

5)The wandering dog has bitten him.

B)present perfect tense Negative sentence


Subject +have/has+not+v3+object

Examples for practice—

1. I have not taken a decision.

2. We have not taken a decision.

3. You(s.)have not taken a decision.

4. You(p.) have not taken a decision.

5. They have not taken a decision.

6. Students(p.n.) have not taken a decision.

7. He has not taken a decision.

8. She has not taken a decision.

9. It has not taken a decision.

10. John(s. n.) has not taken a decision.

Some more examples from day-to-day life—

1)We have not taken our final exam.

2)Teacher has not given the test to the students.

3)Recently he has not visited Africa.

4)Sam has not purchased a spacious flat.

5)Farmers have not sown seeds on the farm.

C)present perfect tense Interrogative sentences


Have/has +subject+v3+object+?

Examples for practice—

1. Have I taken a decision?

2. Have we taken a decision?

3. Have you(s.) taken a decision?

5. Have they taken a decision?

6. Have students(p.n.) taken a decision?

7. Has he taken a decision?

8. Has she taken a decision?

9. Has it taken a decision?

10. Has John taken a decision?

Basic wh- questions for practice—

1)What/where/when/why/how have I/we/you/you/they/students played?

2) What/where/when/why/how has He/she/it/John played?

More common examples—

1)Has Rony burst fire-crackers?

2) Have people spread the rumors?

3) Has The P.M. delivered his speech?

4)Have farmers plowed in fields?

5)Has he taken my joke to the heart?

D)present perfect tense Interrogative negative sentence



Examples for practice—-

1. Have I not taken a decision?

2. Have we not taken a decision?

3. Have you(s.) not taken a decision?

4. Have you(p.) not taken a decision?

5. Have they not taken a decision?

6. Have students(p.n.) not taken a decision?

7. Has he not taken a decision?

8. Has she not taken a decision?

9. Has it not taken a decision?

10. Has John not taken a decision?

Some more examples from common usage—

1)Has the crow not quenched its thirst by dropping pebbles into the jar?

2)Have you not taken out a loan?

3)Has he not satisfied his hunger by eating the Pizza?

4)Has a thief not broken into the house to commit the theft?

5)Has she broken her promise?

In this way, we have 4 sentence types of the present perfect tense. Here is the collective list of them to remember—

1 Subject+ have/has+v3(Past participle of main verb)+object

2 Subject+ have/has+not+v3(Past participle of main verb)+object

3 Have/has +subject+v3+object+?

4 Have/has +subject+not+v3+object+?

Now the most important thing about this tense and it is its uses.

Uses of the present perfect tense

1)This tense is used for the action that has just taken place.

Eg.1) She has just left for Airport.

2)Recently, we have visited Parris.

Solution for your confusion with simple past & present perfect tense—

2) A certain action took place in the past, if its effect is still going on in present, then we must use the present perfect tense and if there is no significant effect in the present, then we have to use simple past tense.

It will be clear to you from the examples(remember if there is the effect of past activity in present then use present perfect tense & if there is no effect, use simple past.

Eg. 1)Recently, my friend has met with an accident. Now he is in Hospital.(Effect of past action going on)

2)My friend met with an accident last month. Now he is all right.(No effect of past action)

3)Certain action that had taken place in the past is likely to take place in the present and future, then use the Present perfect tense. If there is no possibility of the repetition of the particular action, then we should use simple past tense.

Let me clear it up through examples—

1)Lady Gaga has sung many songs. (action will be repeated in the present and future again)

2)Michael Jacksun sang many songs.(Action will not be repeated in the present and future as the singer passed away.)

This is all about the present perfect tense, its sentences, and its use with examples.

Now we will know everything about the Present perfect continuous tense—

4)Present perfect continuous(progressive) tense with formulas examples and uses

This tense is not present in most other languages but in English, it is a very important tense. But users get confused with its uses similar to present continuous tense. So learn it carefully and in the end, I will give the best possible solution to your confusion.

A)present perfect continuous tense Affirmative sentence


Subject+ have/has+been+v1+ing+object+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.(remaining part of the sentence)

Use of since/for in present perfect continuous tense

FOR(Period of time)or duration of time SINCE(Point of time)Fixed time of beginning only.No idea about ending of time.
1 For 1 hour, for 2 hours, and for 9 hours. Since 1. oo p. m .since 3.00 p.m., since 8.00 a.m.
2 For 1 day, for 3 days, for 7 hours Since Monday, since Friday, since Sunday
3 For 2 months, for 5 months, for 8 months Since January, Since May, since October
4 For 3 years, for 5 years, for 9 years Since 2000, since 2005, since 2018
5 For a long time Since long time
6 ——- Since yesterday, since the day before yesterday, since tomorrow, since the day after tomorrow, since dawn, since morning, since afternoon, since noon, since evening, since night, since midnight, since that day, since that night, since that time.
7 For many hours, for many days, for many months, for many years ——-
8 For the last two days Since last two days
9 For the last 4 months Since last 4 months
10 For the last 8 years Since last 8 years
11 For the next 3 days(future time) Since next 3 days(future time)
12 For the next 6 months(future time) Since next 6 months (future time)
13 For the next 7 years Since the next 7 years
14 ——- Since her birth, since their death, since their marriage, since that moment.

Examples for practice and easy understanding

1. I have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

2. we have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

3. you(s.) have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

4. You(p.) have been taking a decision since morning in my home

5. They have been taking a decision since morning in my home

6. students(p.n.) have been taking a decision since morning in my home

7. He has been taking a decision since morning in his home.

8. She has been taking a decision since morning in his home.

9. It has been taking a decision since morning in his home.

10. John(s. n.) has been taking a decision since morning in his home.

More examples from day-to-day life—

1)It has been raining since Friday.

2)It has been raining for 3 days.

3)We have been learning English since 2018.

4)We have been learning English for 3 years.

5)People have been celebrating festivals for many centuries.

B)present perfect continuous tense Negative sentence


Subject+ have/has+not+been+v1+ing+object+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.(remaining part of the sentence)

Basic examples of 10 main possible sentences—

1. I have not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

2. we have not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

3. you(s.) have not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

4. You(p.) have not been taking a decision since morning in my home

5. They have been not taking a decision since morning in my home

6. students(p.n.) have not been taking a decision since morning in my home

7. He has not been taking a decision since morning in his home.

8. She has not been taking a decision since morning in his home.

9. It has not been taking a decision since morning in his home.

10. John(s.n.) has not been taking a decision since morning in his home.

Examples from day-to-day life—

1)He has not been studying for a long time.

2)She has not been asking questions since yesterday.

3)People have not been breaking rules since Monday.

4)You have not been helping your parents since January.

5)John has not been working for many years.

C)present perfect continuous tense Interrogative sentence


Have/has+subject+been+v1+ing+object+since/for+ time+R.P.S.(remaining part of the sentence)

Examples for practice—

1. Have I been taking a decision since morning in my home?

2. Have We been taking a decision since morning in my home?

3. Have you(s.) been taking a decision since morning in my home?

4. Have you(p.) been taking a decision since morning in my home?

5. Have they been taking a decision since morning in my home?

6. Have students(p.n.) been taking a decision since morning in my home?

7. Has he been taking a decision since morning in his home?

8. Has she been taking a decision since morning in his home?

9. Has it been taking a decision since morning in his home?

10. Has John(s. n.) been taking a decision since morning in his home?

Basic wh- questions for the practice—

1)What/where/when/why/how have I/we/you/you/they/students been playing?

2) What/where/when/why/how has He/she/it/John been playing?

Common examples for practice—

1)Have you been waiting for the bus since 2.30 p.m.?

2)Has she been making excuses for being late since morning?

3)Have they been watching TV for 4 hours?

4)Has he been facing problems since last month?

5)Have we been hoping against hope for a long time?

D)present perfect continuous tense Interrogative negative sentences


Have/has+subject+not+been+v1+ing+object+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.(remaining part of the sentence)+?

General examples for practice—

1. Have I not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

2. Have We not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

3. Have you(s.) not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

4. Have you(p.) not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

5. Have they not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

6. Have students(p.n.) not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

7. Has he not been taking a decision since morning in his home?

8. Has she not been taking a decision since morning in his home?

9. Has it not been taking a decision since morning in his home?

10. Has John(s. n.) not been taking a decision since morning in his home?

Common examples for practice—

1)Have you not been trying hard for success since 2010?

2)Has John not been encouraging his colleagues since March?

3)Have they not been writing stories for 3 hours?

4)Has he not been doing his duty since his birth?

5)Have you not been planning for your future for the last 10 years?

So we have now these 4 types of sentences. We will read them collectively here.

1 Subject+ have/has+been+v1+ing+object+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.(remaining part of the sentence)

2Subject+have/has+not+been+v1+ing+object+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.(remaining part of the sentence)

3 Have/has+subject+been+v1+ing+object+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.(remaining part of the sentence)?

4Have/has+subject+not+been+v1+ing+object+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.(remaining part of the sentence)?

Now the most important part of this tense which is to remove users’ confusion about this tense with the present continuous tense. For that first, we will see the uses of this tense.

Uses of present perfect continuous tense

1)This tense is used for any action that started in the past, going on in the present or ended just now or it will go on in the future. In such cases present perfect continuous tense is used. If the action is taking place for a short time right now in front of you, then only you should use the present continuous tense.

Eg. 1)It has been raining and getting cold since morning.

2)John has been serving this company for the last 5 years

2)Confusion Solved—-When there is continuous time in the sentence (Since2000/for20 years) then you should use present perfect continuous tense and if there is no continuous time, use present continuous tense.

Eg. 1)He has been learning English since August. (Continuous-time)

2)He is learning English seriously. (No continuous time)


In this way we have got 4 types of present tense with their syntax(formulas/rules), sentences, uses, and other important details.

Now we will study past tense with its 4 types. They are 1. simple past tense 2. past continuous(progressive) tense 3. Past perfect tense 4. Past perfect(continuous)tense.

2)Past tense in English language grammar

5)Simple past tense with formulas examples and uses

1)Simple past tense affirmative sentence



Basic 10 sentences of this tense—

1. I took a decision.

2. We took a decision.

3.you(s.) took a decision.

4.You(p.) took a decision.

5. They took a decision.

6.Students(p.n.) took a decision.

7. He took a decision.

9. It took a decision.

10.John(s. n.) took a decision.

We can collectively study these sentences as follows—

1)I/we/you/you/they/students/he/she/it/John took a decision.

Some more examples from day-to-day life—

1)Children broke the clay model after finishing their work.

2)Students took an oath to study from the bottom of their hearts.

3)Boss held & broke up the meeting yesterday.

4)Child held the mother’s finger while crossing the road.

5)John thought twice before making a fake excuse.

B)simple past tense Negative sentence



10 basic sentences—

1. I did not take a decision.

2. We did not take a decision.

3.you(s.) did not take a decision.

4.You(p.) did not take a decision.

5. They did not take a decision.

6.Students(p.n.) did not take a decision.

7. He did not take a decision.

8. She did not take a decision.

9. It did not take a decision.

10.John(s. n.) did not take a decision.

Some important examples—

1)He did not sit in the garden to study before appearing for an exam.

2)Birds did not fly in the sky after getting dark.

3)People did not accept their mistakes while working.

4)She did not forget to memorize the poem.

5)You did not take my joke to the heart.

C)simple past tense Interrogative sentence


Did +subject+v1+object+?

10 basic examples—

1. Did I take a decision?

2. Did we take a decision?

3. Did you(s) take a decision?

4.Did you(p.n.) take a decision?

5. Did they take a decision?

6.Did students(p.n.) take a decision?

7. Did he take a decision?

8. Did she take a decision?

9. Did it take a decision?

10.Did John(s. n.) take a decision?

Basic wh-questions for practice—

1) 1)What/where/when/why/how did I/we/you/you/they/students play?

2) What/where/when/why/how did He/she/it/John play?

More common examples—

1)Did the management neglect my work?

2)Did the mother lull the baby?

3)Did the mother sing lull-a-bye while putting the child to bed?

4)Did Sam fall ill?

5)Did they suffer from fever, cough, and cold?

6)Did the child catch a cold after eating(having) ice cream?

7)Did Boss have a headache before holding the meeting?

8)Did she sneeze, or get hick-ups yesterday?

9)Did football fans burst fire-crackers after the victory of their team?

10)Did I repeat my mistakes?

D)simple past tense Interrogative negative


Did +subject+not+v1+object+?

10 basic example sentences—

1. Did I not take a decision?

2. Did we not take a decision?

3. Did you(s) not take a decision?

4.Did you(p.n.) not take a decision?

5. Did they not take a decision?

6.Did students(p.n.) not take a decision?

7. Did he not take a decision?

8. Did she not take a decision?

9. Did it not take a decision?

10.Did John(s. n.) not take a decision?

Useful sentences for practice—

1)Did the Doctor not cure the patient?

2)Did the patient not recover from his illness?

3)Did we not get frightened?

4)Did we not frighten people?

5)Did the patient not feel giddy?

A collective list of 4 syntaxes (formulas/rules)


2 Subject+did+not+v1+object

3 Did +subject+v1+object+?

4 Did +subject+not+v1+object+?

The simple past tense is not over yet. See these sentences.

simple past  tense sentences with was/were without main verbs

1)I was a clever dancer in my group.

Let us see this type of sentence in detail.


Subject+ was/were+(adverb)(adjective)(noun)(Phrase/modifier).

1. I was a clever dancer in my group.

2. You were a clever dancer in my group.

3. We/you(p.)/they/students were clever dancers in my group.

4. He/she/it/John was a clever dancer in my team.


Subject+ was/were +not+(adverb)(adjective)(noun)(Phrase/modifier).

1. I was not a clever dancer in my group.

2. You were not a clever dancer in my group.

3. We/you(p.)/they/students were not clever dancers in my group.

4. He/she/it/John was not a clever dancer in my team.


Was/were+ subject+(adverb)(adjective)(noun)(Phrase/modifier)?

1. Was I a clever dancer in my group?

2. Were you a clever dancer in my group?

3. Were we/you(p.)/they/students clever dancers in my group?

4. Was he/she/it/John a clever dancer in my team?

4)Interrogative negative—

Was/were+ subject+ not+(adverb)(adjective)(noun)(Phrase/modifier)?

1. Was I not a clever dancer in my group?

2. Were you not a clever dancer in my group?

3. Were we/you(p.)/they/students not clever dancers in my group?

4. Was he/she/it/John not a clever dancer in my team?

So we have 4 types of sentences of this most commonly used tense in our daily life (approx..50+%)

Now we will see its very important uses—

Uses of simple past tense

1)This tense is used to tell “what happened?” or “what did you do?” with past time(eg. Yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year, in 1980) or without past time.

But always remember whenever there is past time, use only past tense.

Eg. 1)She passed her important exam.(what happened)

2)I purchased a car. (what did you do)

3)We went hiking the last month.

4)They finished their project yesterday.

5)You started a company in 2010.

2)This tense is also used to tell a story, to narrate any past event, or film, a drama, story.

Sometimes present tense is also used for the same to raise attention or to create interest.

Eg. Once upon a time, there lived a poor woodcutter. He earned his daily wages by cutting and selling wood. One he started cutting wood near the well. Suddenly his ax slipped from his hands and fell into the well. He became very sad and started crying.

God felt pity for the poor soul and appeared in front of him. God took out a golden ax from the well. Wood-cutter said that it was not his ax. God again dived and came out with a silver ax but the wood-cutter denied to take it. So God again dived and came out with an iron ax. Wood-cutter agreed to take it as his ax. God was very pleased by his honesty and simplicity and presented all three axes to him. Wood-cutter received the prize for his honesty.

3)Past habitual actions are those actions that we used to do regularly in the past.

Simple past tense is used to give such past habitual actions with used to-would or without them

Eg.1)I always played football in my childhood.

2)I used to play football in my childhood.

3)I would play football in my childhood.

NOTE-Always use v1 after used to or would

4) If The action which was taking place in the past is going on in the present at the time of speaking, then we should use the present perfect tense, If it is not going on in the present, then use simple past tense.

Eg. 1)I have studied in this college. (at the time of speaking I am still in this college)

2)I studied in this college. (at the time of speaking I am not studying in this college.)s

6)Past continuous(progressive)tense with formulas examples and uses

A)past continuous tense Affirmative sentence


Sub.+ was/were+v1+ing+obj.

Use of was/were–

-I-was, we-were,

you(s.)-were, you(p.)-were,

they-were, Students(p.n.)-were,

he-was, she-was, it-was, John(s.n.)-was

10 basic examples —

1. I was taking a decision.

2. We were taking a decision.

3.You(s.) were taking a decision.

4.You(p.) were taking a decision.

5. They were taking a decision.

6.Students(p.n.) were taking a decision.

7. He was taking a decision.

8. She was taking a decision.

9. It was taking a decision.

10)John(s. n.) was taking a decision.

Common examples for practice—

1)It was getting cold.

2)Thunder was crashing in the sky.

3)Lightning was flashing in the sky.

4)Women were drawing water from the well.

5)The election candidate was withdrawing his name from an election.

6} They were contesting an election.

B)past continuous tense Negative sentence


Sub.+ was/were+not+v1+ing+obj.

10 basic example sentences—

1. I was not taking a decision.

2. We were not taking a decision.

3.You(s.) were not taking a decision.

4.You(p.) were not taking a decision.

5. They were not taking a decision.

6.Students(p.n.) were not taking a decision.

7. He was not taking a decision.

8. She was not taking a decision.

9. It was not taking a decision.

10)John(s. n.) was not taking a decision.

Common examples for practice—

1)The king was not ruling there.

2)Violent people were not vandalizing in the riot.

3)Shop was not catching fire after the short circuit.

4)Angry mob was not setting shops on fire.

5)Fire brigade was not extinguishing (putting out) the fire.

C)past continuous tense Interrogative sentences



10 basic examples —

1. Was I taking a decision?

2. Were we taking a decision?

3.Were You(s.) taking a decision?

4.Were You(p.) taking a decision?

5. Were they taking a decision?

6.Were Students(p.n.) taking a decision?

7. Was he taking a decision?

8. Was she taking a decision?

9. Was it taking a decision?

10)Was John(s. n.)taking a decision?

Basic wh-questions for practice—

1)What/where/when/why/how were /we/you/you/they/students playing?

2) What/where/when/why/how was I/He/she/it/John playing?

Common examples for practice—

1)Was God incarnating on the earth for the upliftment of poor and downtrodden masses?

2)Were the police seizing illegal goods?

3)Was the boss assigning work to his juniors?

4)Were people betraying each other?

5)Were people going to console them?

D)past continuous tense Interrogative negative sentences



10 basic example sentences—

1. Was I not taking a decision?

2. Were we not taking a decision?

3.Were You(s.) not taking a decision?

4.Were You(p.) not taking a decision?

5. Were they not taking a decision?

6.Were Students(p.n.) not taking a decision?

7. Was he not taking a decision?

8. Was she not taking a decision?

9.Was it not taking a decision?

10)Was John(s. n.) not taking a decision?

Some more examples for practice—

1)Was the magic tree not offering boons after getting pleased?

2)Was he not insulting us?

3)Were they not getting angry because of the disturbance?

4)Was father not taking out his anger upon me?

5)Was the mother not pacifying his anger?

6) were you not picking the quarrel?

7)Were they not picking a quarrel?

8)Were you not settling the quarrel?

Here we have 4 basic sentence patterns for study—

1Sub.+ was/were+v1+ing+obj.

2 Sub.+ was/were+not+v1+ing+obj.

3 Was/were+sub.+v1+ing+obj?

4 Was/were+sub.+not+v1+ing+obj?

Now let us learn its uses.

Uses of past continuous tense

1)This tense is used for the action which was taking place for some time in the past.

Eg. 1)It was raining yesterday.

2)She was waiting for the bus.

2)Also this tense is used for the action which was taking place slowly in the past.

Eg. 1)The sun was rising in the East.

2)He was walking towards home.

3)Past habitual action-This tense is used for your past actions which you did as your habits.

Eg.1)We used to tease each other during our school days.

2)She used to draw pictures during her school days.

We have successfully learned all the details of past continuous tense. Now we will know all the details of the past perfect tense.

7)Past perfect tense with formulas examples and uses

A)past perfect tense Affirmative sentences



10 basic sentences—

1. I had taken a decision.

2. We had taken a decision.

3.You(s.) had taken a decision.

4.You(p.) had taken a decision.

5. They had taken a decision.

6.Students(p.n.) had taken a decision.

7. He had taken a decision.

8. She had taken a decision.

9. It had taken a decision.

10.John(s. n.) had taken a decision.

Some more common examples—

1)Function had taken place.

2)We had gone to visit our relatives.

3)Children had made noise.

4)Something had happened to him.

5)The celebrity had inaugurated this Café.

B)past perfect tense Negative sentences



10 basic sentences—

1. I had not taken a decision.

2. We had not taken a decision.

3.You(s.) had not taken a decision.

4.You(p.) had not taken a decision.

5. They had not taken a decision.

6.Students(p.n.) not had taken a decision.

7. He had not taken a decision.

8. She had not taken a decision.

9. It had not taken a decision.

10.John(s. n.) not had taken a decision.

Some more examples—

1)He had not committed a mistake in my eyes.

2)Traffic police had not obstructed me.

3)Social reformers had not done mass awakening.

4)Students had not made fun of others.

5)The thief had not snatched the gold chain.

C)past perfect tense Interrogative sentences

Syntax— Had+sub.+v3+obj+?

10 basic sentences—

1. Had I taken a decision?

2. Had we taken a decision?

3.Had you(s.) taken a decision?

4.Had you(p.) taken a decision?

5. Had they taken a decision?

6.Had students(p.n.) taken a decision?

7. Had he taken a decision?

8. Had she taken a decision?

9. Had it taken a decision?

10.Had John(s. n.) taken a decision?

Basic wh-questions for practice—

1)What/where/when/why/how had I/we/you/you/they/students played?

2) What/where/when/why/how had He/she/it/John played?

Some important examples for practice and understanding —

1)Had you gone mad?

2)Had the patient undergone an operation?

3)Had people collected funds and relief materials for the flood-affected people?

4)Had she sulked and annoyed?

5)Had mother taken out her anger?

D)past perfect tense Interrogative negative sentences

Syntax— Had+sub.+not+v3+obj+?

10 basic sentences—

1. Had I not taken a decision?

2. Had we not taken a decision?

3.Had you(s.) not taken a decision?

4.Had you(s.) not taken a decision?

5. Had they not taken a decision?

6.Had students(p.n.) not taken a decision?

7. Had he not taken a decision?

8. Had she not taken a decision?

9.Had it not taken a decision?

10.Had John(s. n.) not taken a decision?

Some more examples for practice—

1)Had your friend not helped you through thick and thin?

2)Had you not persuaded(convinced) your angry customer?

3)Had you not compensated for your mistakes?

4)Had you not hoped against hope?

5)Had he not poisoned my father’s ears after knowing my ins and outs?

In this way, we have 4 types of sentences of the past perfect tense.

1 Sub.+had+v3+obj.

2 Sub.+had+not+v3+obj.


4 Had+sub.+not+v3+obj+?

Now we will know the uses of this tense which appear similar to simple past tense but actually, they are different.

Uses of the past perfect tense

1)This tense is used to give stress on the past action. It is specifically used to stress that Yes, someone had done something in the past.

Eg.1)I had told you about the favorable situation.

2)We had warned them about the hostile weather.

2)Most important use—If two actions that took place in the past.

There was a time difference between their happening, the First past action is given in past perfect tense and the second past action is given in simple past tense. I will explain it with the help of examples.

1)When I reached the station, the train had already departed.(the second action- I reached the station.- simple past tense, First action-The train had already departed-past perfect tense.)

2)When the doctor reached the hospital, The patient had recovered already.

3)After Messie had scored the goal, His fans started dancing.

4)When the fire brigade reached the place, They had already extinguished the fire.

4)When two actions took place one after the other without a time difference, then simple past tense is used for both actions.

1)When I opened the door, I saw my friends.

5)When one action was going on in the past, During it the second action took place, Then past continuous tense is used for the action going on and the action that took place in between is given in simple past tense.

Eg.1)While I was watching TV, Electricity got failed.

2)While we were playing football, I injured my toe.

8)Past perfect continuous (progressive) tense with formulas examples and uses

A)past perfect continuous tense Affirmative sentences


Sub. +had +been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for +time+ R.P.S.

10 basic sentences—

1. I had been taking a decision since morning in my home.

2. We had been taking a decision since morning in my home.

3. You(s.) had been taking a decision since morning in my home.

4. You(p.) had been taking a decision since morning in my home.

5. They had been taking a decision since morning in my home.

6. Students(p.n.) had been taking a decision since morning in my home.

7. He had been taking a decision since morning in my home.

8. She had been taking a decision since morning in my home.

9. It had been taking a decision since morning in my home.

10. John(s. n.) had been taking a decision since morning in my home.

Some more practical examples—

1)They had been rearranging the home since 3.00 p.m.

2)Dog had been barking since midnight.

3)Farmers had been plucking flowers since morning.

4)you had been preparing for the exam for 6 months.

5)She had been thinking for a long time.

B)past perfect continuous tense Negative sentences


Sub. +had +not+been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for +time+ R.P.S.

10 basic sentences—

1. I had not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

2. We had not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

3. You(s.) had not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

4. You(p.) had not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

5. They had not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

6. Students(p.n.) had not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

7. He had not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

8. She had not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

9. It had not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

10. John(s. n.) had not been taking a decision since morning in my home.

Some more practical examples—

1)We had not been repeating the same mistakes for many years.

2)Children had not been imitating elders since their childhood.

3)We had not been pretending since the beginning.

4)They had not been delivering a speech for a long time.

5)You had not been criticizing each other since 2010.

C)past perfect continuous Interrogative sentences


Had +sub.+been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for +time+ R.P.S.+?

10 basic sentences—

1. Had I been taking a decision since morning in my home?

2. Had we been taking a decision since morning in my home?

3. Had you(s.) been taking a decision since morning in my home?

4. Had you(p.) been taking a decision since morning in my home?

5. Had they been taking a decision since morning in my home?

6. Had students(p.n.) been taking a decision since morning in my home?

7. Had he been taking a decision since morning in my home?

8. Had she been taking a decision since morning in my home?

9. Had it been taking a decision since morning in my home?

10. Had John(s. n.) been taking a decision since morning in my home?

Basic wh-questions—

1)What/where/when/why/how had I/we/you/you/they/students been playing?

2) What/where/when/why/how had He/she/it/John been playing?

Some more practical examples—

1)Had they been apologizing for 3 hours?

2)Had she been singing since the afternoon?

3)Had we been forgiving people?

4)Had it been creating problems since last year?

5)Had I been solving problems since yesterday?

D)past perfect continuous Interrogative negative sentences


Had +sub.+not+been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for +time+ R.P.S.+?

10 basic sentences—

1. Had I not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

2. Had we not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

3. Had you(s.) not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

4. Had you(p.) not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

5. Had they not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

6. Had students(p.n.) not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

7. Had he not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

8. Had she not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

9.Had it not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

10. Had John(s. n.) not been taking a decision since morning in my home?

Some more practical examples—

1)Had people not been flattering for many years?

2)Had your friend not been exaggerating since 12.00 p.m.?

3)Had Sam not been keeping his promise since his birth?

4)Had you not been fixing the broken fridge door since evening?

5)Had he not been spending extravagantly for 7 years?

So we have finished 4 types of sentences of this tense.

Now we will see its uses.

Uses of past perfect continuous tense

1)This tense is used for the action going on for a long time in the past.

Eg.1)It had been raining since June.

2)Children had been splashing water for a long time.

3)They had been serving the society for many years.

Let us revise all the syntax of this tense here.

1 Sub. +had +been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for +time+ R.P.S.

2 Sub. +had +not+been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for +time+ R.P.S.

3 Had +sub.+been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for +time+ R.P.S.+?

4 Had +sub.+not+been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for +time+ R.P.S.+?

3)Future Tense in the English language grammar

9)Simple future tense with formulas examples and uses

1)Simple future tense Affirmative sentence


Sub. +will/shall+v1+obj.

Use of will/shall—Generally will is used with all 10 subjects in normal conditions as I-will, we-will,

you(s.)-will, dents(p.n.)-will,

he-will, she-will, it-will, John(s. n.)-will

But shall is used with I &we in the following situations—

1)When you want to seek someone’s opinion or suggestion—

Eg.1)Shall I buy this dress?

2)Shall we hire a taxi?

2)Another use of shall with I and we –when there is 100% certainty, will is used but when there is less certainty, shall is used with I and we.

Eg.1)I will win the race.(100% sure)

2)I shall win the race.(50-50% sure)

10 basic sentences for practice—

1. I will take a decision.

2. We will take a decision.

3.you(s.) will take a decision.

5. They will take a decision.

6.Students(p.n.) will take a decision.

7. He will take a decision.

8. She will take a decision.

9. It will take a decision.

10.John(s. n.) will take a decision.

More practical examples—

1)I will work hard from tomorrow.

2)We will learn English from the bottom of our hearts.

3)She will return my book after a week.

4)They will go for a picnic in the next month.

5)John will stand first in the class this year.

B)Simple future tense Negative sentences

Syntax—Sub. +will/shall+not+v1+obj.

10 basic sentences for practice—

1. I will not take a decision.

2. We will not take a decision.

3.you(s.) will not take a decision.

4You(p.) will not take a decision.

5. They will not take a decision.

6.Students(p.n.) will not take a decision.

7. He will not take a decision.

8. She will not take a decision.

9. It will not take a decision.

10.John(s. n.) will not take a decision.

Some more practical examples—

1)Sam will not take the exam this year.

2)He will not light the lamp or candle after getting dark.

3)People will not take off their shoes outside their homes.

4)They will not exaggerate.

5)You will not insult others.

C)Simple future tense Interrogative sentences


10 basic sentences for practice—

1. Will I take a decision?

2. Will we take a decision?

3.Will you(s.) take a decision?

4Will you(p.)take a decision?

6.Will students(p.n.) take a decision?

7. Will he take a decision?

8. Will she take a decision?

9. Will it take a decision?

10.Will John(s. n.) take a decision?

Basic wh-questions

1)What/where/when/why/how will I/we/you/you/they/students play?

2) What/where/when/why/how will He/she/it/John play?

Some more practical examples—

1)Will students yawn in the boring class?

2)Will she get hick-ups?

3)Will they sneeze because of the cold?

4)Will she cough?

5)Will they pass this test?

D)Simple future tense Interrogative negative sentences


10 basic sentences for practice—

1. Will I not take a decision?

2. Will we not take a decision?

3. Will you(s.) not take a decision?

4. Will you(p.) not take a decision?

5. Will they not take a decision?

6.Will students(p.n.) not take a decision?

7. Will he not take a decision?

8. Will she not take a decision?

9. Will it not take a decision?

10. Will John(s. n.) not take a decision?

Some more practical examples—

1)Will they not hoist the flag before their victory?

2)Will you not boast?

3)Will he not call you back?

4)Will she not suggest a remedy?

5)Will it not run as per its program?

So we have 4 types of simple future tense sentences.

Simple future tense with will be/shall be without main verbs

This is also simple future tense—

1)I will be a successful blogger in the world.

There is no main verb(Play, sing, read, ask) in these types of sentences.

1)Affirmative—Subject+ will/shall+ be+(Adverb)(adjective)(Noun)(phrase/modifier)

1)I will be a successful writer in my country.

2)We/you/they/students will be successful writers in my country.

3)You(s.) will be a successful writer in my country.

4)He/she/it/John will be a successful writer in my country.

2)Negative— Subject+ will/shall+ not+ be+(Adverb)(adjective)(Noun)(phrase/modifier)

1)I will not be a successful writer in my country.

2)We/you/they/students will not be successful writers in my country.

3)You(s.) will not be a successful writer in my country.

4)He/she/it/John will not be a successful writer in my country.


Will/shall+ subject+ be+(Adverb)(adjective)(Noun)(phrase/modifier)+?

1)Will I be a successful writer in my country?

2)Will we/you/they/students be successful writers in my country?

3)Will you(s.) be a successful writer in my country?

4)Will he/she/it/John be a successful writer in my country?

4)Interrogative negative—

Will/shall+ subject+ not+ be+(Adverb)(adjective)(Noun)(phrase/modifier)+?

1)Will I not be a successful writer in my country?

2)Will we/you/they/students not be successful writers in my country?

3)Will you(s.) not be a successful writer in my country?

4)Will he/she/it/John not be a successful writer in my country?

Now we will study its uses-

Uses of simple future tense

1)This tense is used to tell our future plans, Ideas, and actions.

Eg. 1)He will meet his parents in the next month.

2)She will start her final degree course practical in the next month.

2)Also we use this tense for “what will happen?” or “what will you do?” in the future.

Eg. 1)It will rain today. (what will happen)

2)They will arrive tomorrow. (what will you/they… do)

3)To seek other’s opinions or suggestions—

1)Shall I purchase this mobile handset?

2)Shall we go to a movie?

Let us revise 4 syntaxes of this tense—

1 Sub. +will/shall+v1+obj.

2 Sub. +will/shall+not+v1+obj.

3 Will/shall+sub.+v1+obj?

4 Will/shall+sub.+not+v1+obj?

10)Future continuous(progressive) tense with formulas examples and uses

A)future continuous tense Affirmative sentences


Sub.+ will/shall+be+v1+ing+obj.

10 basic sentences—

1. I will be taking a decision.

2. We will be taking a decision.

3. You(s.) will be taking a decision.

4. You(p.) will be taking a decision.

5. They will be taking a decision.

6. Students(p.n.) will be taking a decision.

7. He will be taking a decision.

8. she will be taking a decision.

9). It will be taking a decision.

10. John(s. n.) will be taking a decision.

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use—

1)Boss will be taking his team members into confidence.

2)She will be sneezing because of having ice cream.

3)They will be yawning because of sleepiness and snorting in sleep because of hard labor.

4)He will be keeping his books on the shelf.

5)Guests will be waiting for our invitation.

B)future continuous tense Negative sentences


Sub. +will/shall+not+be+v1+ing+obj.

10 basic sentences—

1. I will not be taking a decision.

2. We will not be taking a decision.

3. You(s.) will not be taking a decision.

4. You(p.) will not be taking a decision.

5. They will not be taking a decision.

6. Students(p.n.) will not be taking a decision.

7. He will be not taking a decision.

8. she will not be taking a decision.

9. It will not be taking a decision.

10. John(s. n.) will not be taking a decision.

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use—

1)Pilgrims will not be staying in charitable homes.

2)They will not be adopting a child.

3)She will not be saving money for the future.

4)John will not be concentrating on his career.

5)You will not be taking decisions quickly.

C)future continuous tense Interrogative sentences



10 basic sentences—

1. will I be taking a decision?

2. Will we be taking a decision?

3. Will you(s.) be taking a decision?

4. Will you(p.) be taking a decision?

5. Will they be taking a decision?

6. Will students(p.n.) be taking a decision?

7. Will he be taking a decision?

8. Will she be taking a decision?

9. Will it be taking a decision?

10. Will John(s. n.) be taking a decision?

Basic wh questions—

1)What/where/when/why/how will I/we/you/you/they/students be playing?

2) What/where/when/why/how will He/she/it/John be playing?

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use—

1)Will we be performing our duty honestly?

2)Will Sam be keeping pace with time?

3)Will they be lagging behind in their careers?

4)Will she be inventing new products?

5)Will he be starting his study at the eleventh hour?

D)future continuous tense Interrogative negative sentences


Will/shall +sub. +not +be+v1+ing+obj?

10 basic sentences—

1. will I not be taking a decision?

2. Will we not be taking a decision?

3. Will you(s.) not be taking a decision?

4. Will you(p.) not be taking a decision?

5. Will they not be taking a decision?

6. Will students(p.n.) not be taking a decision?

7. Will he not be taking a decision?

8. Will she not be taking a decision?

9. Will it not be taking a decision?

10. Will John(s. n.) not be taking a decision?

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use—

1)Will the mother not be getting the study done by her child?

2)Will the activists not be raising the slogans?

3)Will they not be protesting?

4)Will you not be getting occupied by project work?

5)Will flowers not be swaying with the wind?

Here we have 4 types of sentences. Let us know about the uses of this tense.

Uses of future continuous tense

1)This tense is used for the action that will take place in the future for some time.

Eg. 1) It will be raining tomorrow.

2)They will be having delicious food.

2)Sometimes we use this tense to express future possibilities.

1)She will be waiting for us at the bus stop.

2)He will be taking an exam.

3)very important use of this tense—

a)I shall meet him.

b)I will meet him.

c)I shall be meeting him.

The first sentence implies that the chances of meeting are 50-50 %

The second sentence implies that the chances of meeting are 100 %

The third sentence implies that the action is taking place as usual, there is nothing special about it.

Here we have 4 types of sentences.

1 Sub. +will/shall+be+v1+ing+obj.

2 Sub. +will/shall+not+be+v1+ing+obj.

3 Will/shall +sub. +be+v1+ing+obj?

4 Will/shall +sub. +not +be+v1+ing+obj?

11)Future perfect tense with formulas examples and uses

A)future perfect tense Affirmative sentences

Syntax—Sub.+ will/shall+have+v3+obj.

10 basic sentences—

1. I will have taken a decision.

2. We will have taken a decision

3. You(s.) will have taken a decision

4. You(p.) will have taken a decision

5. They will have taken a decision

6. Students(p.n.) will have taken a decision

7. He will have taken a decision

8. She will have taken a decision

9. It will have taken a decision

10. John(s. n.)will have taken a decision

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use—

1)He will have completed his study with zeal and zest by 7.00 a.m.

2)They will have obeyed orders with enthusiasm by the day after tomorrow.

3)John will have reached the peak of success by working hard in the next 4 years.

4)They will have recited the lines by the next ten minutes.

5)Soldiers will have tried with heart and soul to protect their country on the borders.

B)future perfect tense Negative sentences


Sub. +will/shall+not+have+v3+obj.

10 basic sentences—

1. I will not have taken a decision.

2. We will not have taken a decision.

3. You(s.) will not have taken a decision.

4. You(p.) will not have taken a decision.

5. They will not have taken a decision.

6. Students(p.n.) will not have taken a decision.

7. He will not have taken a decision.

8. She will not have taken a decision.

9. It will not have taken a decision.

10. John(s. n.)will not have taken a decision.

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use—

1)He will not have pointed out my mistakes.

2)She will not have corrected her mistakes.

3)They will not have identified their mistakes.

4)You will not have repeated your mistakes.

5)Some people will not have overcome their mistakes.

C)future perfect tense Interrogative sentences



10 basic sentences—

1. Will I have taken a decision?

2. Will we have taken a decision?

3. Will you(s.) have taken a decision?

4. Will you(p.) have taken a decision?

5. Will they have taken a decision?

6. Will students(p.n.) have taken a decision?

7. Will he have taken a decision?

8. Will she have taken a decision?

9. Will it have taken a decision?

10. Will John(s. n.) have taken a decision?

Basic wh-questions—

1)What/where/when/why/how will I/we/you/you/they/students have played?

2) What/where/when/why/how will He/she/it/John have played?

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use-

1)will they have had(eaten) food to their hearts’ content?

2)Will the mother have cooked food with great interest?

3)Will the Joker have made us laugh?

4)Will you have borrowed money?

5)Will he have lent money?

D)future perfect tense Interrogative negative sentences


Will/shall +sub. +not+ have+v3+obj?

10 basic sentences—

1. Will I not have taken a decision?

2. Will we not have taken a decision?

3. Will you(s.) not have taken a decision?

4. Will you(p.) not have taken a decision?

5. Will they not have taken a decision?

6. Will students(p.n.) not have played football?

7. Will he not have taken a decision?

8. Will she not have taken a decision?

9. Will it not have taken a decision?

10. Will John(s. n.) not have taken a decision?

more examples for understanding the construction and use—

1)Will they not have underestimated themselves?

2)Will you not have overestimated yourself?

3)Will prisoners not have served in jail?

4)Will they not have survived that disaster?

5)Will we not have saved them?

In this way, we have 4 types of sentences. Now we will know more about its uses

Uses of the future perfect tense

1)This tense is used for the actions which will have taken place in a fixed time in the future or within the fixed time.

Eg. 1)She will have reached home by 5.00 p.m.

2)By the time I reach home, Mother will have finished her cooking.

2)This tense is also used to tell about the possibility that certain actions will have taken place in the future.

1)Students will have taken the exam by next Friday.

2)People will have celebrated the grand festival by the end of this month.

Here are 4 basic sentence syntaxes(formulas/rules)—

1 Sub. +will/shall+have+v3+obj.

2 Sub. +will/shall+not+have+v3+obj.

3Will/shall +sub.+ have+v3+obj?

4Will/shall +sub. +not+ have+v3+obj?

12)Future perfect continuous tense with formulas examples and uses

A)future perfect continuous tense Affirmative sentences


Sub. +will/shall+have+been+v1+ing + obj. +since/for +time +R.P.S.

10 basic sentences—

1. I will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

2. We will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

3. You(s.) will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

4. You(p.) will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

5. They will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

6. Students(p.n.) will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

7. He will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

8. She will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

9. It will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

10. John(s. n.) will have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use—

1)They will have been playing a double game.

2)Workers will have been constructing a fly-over.

3)Poets will have been composing poems in the praise of their motherlands.

4)Writers will have been writing Novels for a long time.

5)Tourists will have been wandering in the ancient city since morning.

B)future perfect continuous tense Negative sentences

Syntax—Sub. +will/shall+not+have+been+v1+ing+onj.+since/for +time+ R.P.S.

10 basic sentences—

1. I will not have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

2. We will not have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

3. You(s.) will not have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

4. You(p.) will not have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

5. They will not have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

6. Students(p.n.) will not have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

7. He will not have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

8. She will not have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

9. It will not have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

10. John(s. n.) will not have been taking a decision since morning in my home.

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use—

1)People will not have been spending their time in vain.

2)Flowers will not have been blooming because of the hot weather.

3)Birds will not have been flying(soaring) in the sky since morning because of heavy rain.

4)Students will not have been playing for 3 hours.

5)They will not have been reciting rules for 3 days.

C)future perfect continuous tense Interrogative sentences

Syntax—Will/shall+sub.+have+been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.+?

10 basic sentences—

1. Will I have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

2. Will we have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

3. Will you(s.) have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

4. Will you(p.) have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

5. Will they have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

6. Will students(p.n.) have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

7. Will he have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

8. Will she have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

9. Will it have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

10. Will John(s. n.) have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

Basic wh-questions—

1)What/where/when/why/how will I/we/you/you/they/students have been playing?

2) What/where/when/why/how will He/she/it/John have been playing?

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use—

1)Will you have been dancing for a long time?

2)Will she have been preparing her college presentation since yesterday?

3)Will companies have been announcing incentives for the last 2 months?

4)Will we have been leading our lives happily in spite of difficulties?

5) Will they have been doing their best to learn English?

D)future perfect continuous tense Interrogative negative sentences

Syntax—Will/shall+sub.+not+have+been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.+?

10 basic sentences—s

1. Will I not have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

2. Will we not have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

3. Will you(s.) not have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

4. Will you(p.) not have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

5. Will they not have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

6. Will students(p.n.) not have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

7. Will he not have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

8. Will she not have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

9. Will it not have been taking a decision since morning in my home?

10. Will John(s. n.) not shave been taking a decision since morning in my home?

Some more examples to explain its sentence construction and use—

1)Will you not have been making your way through the crowd?

2)Will he not have been wasting time in playing online games?

3)Will she not have been utilizing her time in learning new things?

4)Will they not have been reducing their work time since yesterday?

5)Will I not have been cutting my expenses since last year?

Here we have 4 types of this tense which is rarely used.

A collective study of 4 syntaxes (formulas/rules)

1 Sub. +will/shall+have+been+v1+ing +obj.+since/for +time +R.P.S.

2 Sub. +will/shall+not+have+been+v1+ing +obj.+since/for +time +R.P.S.

3 Will/shall+sub.+have+been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.+?

4 Will/shall+sub.+not+have+been+v1+ing+obj.+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.+?

Uses of future perfect continuous tense

1)This tense is used for the future action going on for a long time.

Eg. 1)It will have been raining since June.

2)They will have been solving the puzzle for many days.

Here we have finished detailed learning of all12 main tenses in the English Language. We have learned about the present, past, and future tenses, their subtypes as simple, continuous, and perfect, perfect continuous, Each tense’s formula(syntax/rule), examples, uses, and exercises in detail step-by-step manner with easy to learn methods.

Now we will see the collective list of the syntax of these 12 tenses. The sequence will be 1)Simple present tense A)affirmative sentences to 12)Future perfect continuous tense D)Interrogative negative sentence.

Tense exercises of formulas(Syntax/rules) and sentences

1)Formulas of 12 main tenses affirmative only.

1. simple present tense affirmative—

Subject+v1+s/es + object.

2)Present continuous tense affirmative—

Subject +am/is/are+v1+ing+object.

3)Present perfect tense affirmative—

Subject +have/has+v3+object.

4)Present perfect continuous tense affirmative—

Subject +have/has+been+v1+ing+object+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.

5)Simple past tense—


6)Past continuous tense—

Subject+ was/were+v1+ing+object

7)Past perfect tense—


8)Past perfect continuous tense—

Subject +had +been+v1+ing+object+since/for+ time+ R.P.S.

9)Simple future tense—

Subject +will/shall+v1+object

10)Future continuous tense—

Subject +will/shall +be +v1+ing+object.

11)Future perfect tense—

Subject + will/shall+have+v3+object.

12)Future perfect continuous tense—

Subject +will/shall+have+been+v1+ing+object+since/for +time +R.P.S.

2)Transform the given sentence in 12 tenses affirmative only.

Eg. We give feedback.

1)simple present—

We give feedback.(Negative-We do not give feedback.)

2)present continuous—

We are giving feedback.

3)Present perfect—

We have given feedback.

4)Present perfect continuous—

We have been giving feedback since morning for improvement.

5)Simple past tense—

We gave feedback.(Negative-We did not give feedback.)

6)Past continuous—

We were giving feedback.

7)Past perfect—

We had given feedback.

8)Past perfect continuous—

We had been giving feedback since morning for improvement.

9)Simple future tense—

We will give feedback.

10)Future continuous—

We will be giving feedback.

11)Future perfect—

We will have given feedback.

12)Future perfect continuous—

We will have been giving feedback since morning for the improvement.

More examples for practice of changing a given sentence in 12 tense sentences.

Eg. 1)You take good decisions.

2 They bring results.

3)He sings lovely songs.

4)She cooks food.

5)Sam forgets his mobile.


So we have learned all the English grammar tenses with their formulas(Syntax/rules), examples, uses, and important notes for step-by-step learning with exercises necessary for mastering tenses for Spoken English, Grammar, communication, and for overall English mastery.

This doesn’t mean the study ends. The journey to excellence is long and continuous. We are trying to give you the best. More articles will be here to assist you.

So just keep on learning and implementing English language grammar tenses present, past, future, formulas, rules, examples, and exercises. The whole world and its language of communication will be yours.

What do you think about this tense guide? Let me know through your comments.

All green lights and best wishes,

With love +respect From Team learnhatkey.com

10 thoughts on “How to learn and master present, past, and future tenses in the English language”

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