Sample vote of thanks for PTA parents teachers meeting

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Sample vote of thanks for the PTA meeting


P.T.A. stands for parents -teachers association which is a very important bridge between school/college and parents and it is responsible for the all-round development of the students through mutual cooperation and understanding. So we have given our sample vote of thanks for the P.T.A. meetings or parents’ meetings in any school or college. We have also given highly important points for it to make the task easy.

Points for P.T.A. meetings or parents’ meetings in school or college

1)Formal beginning

2)feeling of gratefulness

3)thanks to principal

4)Thanks to P.T.A. members

5)thanks to parents, teachers, and non-teaching staff

6)general thanks to all contributors

7)formal ending

Sample vote of thanks for P.T.A. meeting or parents’ meeting

Here is our example of a sample vote of thanks for p.t.a. meeting

Respected principal, honorable P.T.A. members and parents, respected teaching and non-teaching staff of our school, good morning to you all. I feel honored to propose this vote of thanks on the behalf of ABC school and on my own behalf for this highly important P.T.A. meeting

It is said that the feeling of gratitude is one of the noblest feelings and its expression is one of the noblest acts. All the dignitaries present here have added great value to all and we are all grateful to them.

First I would like to thank our principal wholeheartedly for arranging, planning, and making this meeting successful. Your leadership is our lighthouse and you lead us on the path to success. Further, I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to P.T.A. members and parents for sparing their valuable time and providing so much value to us. Your appreciation and suggestion will result in more success in our academic goals. We both are always together for the progress of our students.

Next, I would like to thank our teachers and non-teaching staff for their active participation in making this meeting successful. You are the backbone of your school and it is your success that our school management and parents appreciated your work you have been constantly upgrading yourself to handle new challenges in the field of teaching and the use of modern technology in our school’s teaching-learning process.

I would like to thank our speakers for giving us valuable guidance and innovative suggestions for improvement in our work. I would like to be thankful to all the suppliers and service providers for their trust and timely help for us.

I would like to thank all the known and unknown hands who contributed to the successful organization of this meeting. Once again thanks one and all and I would like to take your leave with a grateful heart.


This is our sample vote of thanks for P.T.A. meetings or parents’ meetings in any school or college.

I hope you will find it useful.

With love +respect from the team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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