learnhatkey.com English writing skills Sample anchoring script for Independence Day celebration with program schedule

Sample anchoring script for Independence Day celebration with program schedule

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Sample anchoring script for independence day celebration with the program schedule.


Every country has some special National days and independence day is one of the greatest occasions in the history of every nation. Here is our sample anchoring script for the independence day celebration with the program schedule.

Sample anchoring script for independence day celebration

Program schedule for independence day celebration

Here is our sample program schedule for the independence day celebration and you can use it by making necessary changes as per your requirement.

1]Arrival of the guest

2]flag hoisting

3] flag salute

4]national anthem

5] pledge

6] slogans

7] chief guest’s felicitation

8] speech by the principal

9] students’ speeches

10] cultural program of patriotic dance and songs

11] introduction of the chief guest

12]chief guest’s speech

13] vote of thanks

14] Vande Mataram

15] distribution of sweets

This is our sample program schedule for the independence day celebration. You can make changes according to your convenience.

Sample anchoring script for Independence Day celebration

Anchor one – Respected principal, honorable chief guest, respected teachers, non-teaching staff, parents, and my dear friends, good morning, and happy independence day to all of you. I would like to welcome you all on the behalf of our school /college for this independence day celebration. I would like to express my feelings through the following lines.

Freedom is not a gift but the responsibility to accept and maintain it to hand over to the next, freedom demands sacrifices and it is not the thing we achieve once and forget.

Anchor 2 -good morning and happy independence day to you all. I can feel the air full of patriotism and enthusiasm on the occasion of this independence day celebration. our chief guest has arrived and we will start the celebration with flag hoisting. I would like to request our chief guest Mr ……….. to come ahead for flag hoisting.

Flag hoisting

flag salute

National anthem


Anchor one -the flag is the symbol of our national pride and values. Gracefully waving, it makes us feel proud and lucky to be its followers. Now I would like to request our principal to honor our chief guest with a bouquet.

[Chief guest felicitation]

Anchor 2- thank you, sir, now our music group will give a musical welcome with our special welcome song for all the dignitaries present here.

[ welcome song]

Anchor one- really it was a very sweet welcome song full of affection and joy. Now I would like to request our principal to deliver a speech on this great occasion.

[ Principal’s speech]

Anchor2- thank you very much sir for your motivational and inspiring words. Now our students will give speeches in English Hindi and Marathi languages.

Anchor one- first I would like to request —— from …standard to deliver his/ her speech in English.

[ English speech]

Anchor 2- thank you ——- now —– – from – – the standard will give his/ her speech in Hindi.

[ Hindi speech]

Anchor one- Thank you very much for your informational speech. Now ——- – from – – the standard will give his /her speech in the Marathi language.

[ Marathi speech]

Anchor2- thank you – ——– our students have given such nice speeches that everybody has become aware of the glorious freedom struggle of our nation and selfless sacrifices of our Patriots and what we can do to protect our freedom and make our country number one in the world.

Anchor one -now there will be a cultural program of patriotic song dance and small drama skit performance.

Anchor 2- put your hands together to welcome our students who are going to perform a dance to a patriotic song.

[ patriotic song and dance]

Anchor one – let’s clap for this wonderful performance of song and dance full of grace, delicacy, and patriotic energy. Now get ready for the patriotic drama performance please encourage our performers with claps.

[ patriotic drama]

Anchor 2- really it was the best performance I have ever witnessed. Every single detail was perfect and our students have taken great efforts to take us to the border of the nation where our fearless soldiers protect our boundaries from foreign invasion. they deserve a standing ovation and applause.

Anchor one- for this today’s is the national festival of independence day celebration, we have got a well-known scientist as our chief guest. our vice principal will introduce our chief guest.

[ chief guest introduction]

Anchor2- thank you, sir, we are so fortunate to have such a great personality with us. we are eager to listen to you. I would like to request our chief guest Dr. Ramanna to guide us.

[ chief guest’s speech]

Anchor one -it was really a treat to listen to you, sir. your inspiring words and scientific knowledge have enriched us and we are all grateful to you for that.

Anchor 2- here we come to the concluding part of this great independence day celebration, now our supervisor – – will propose a vote of thanks.

[vote of thanks]

Anchor one- thank you, sir, now the program will end with Vande Mataram. I would like to request you all to stand up please for it.

[ Vande Mataram]

Anchor 2- I must say that this day is going to be a memorable day in our lives with so many things to learn and share our happiness of freedom with each other. I declare that the celebration program is over. Now I request our students to go to their respective classrooms for sweets distribution and I request all the invitees and dignitaries to have some refreshments and tea. I take your leave with patriotic joy and promise to become the worthy citizens of our great nation on the behalf of all of you, thanks and happy independence day again.

This is our sample anchoring script for the independence day celebration.

sample vote of thanks for Independence Day celebration

sample speech for independence day celebration


I hope you will find our sample anchoring script for the independence day celebration.

You can make necessary changes as per your need.

With love and +respect from the team learnhatkey.com

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