Shree Ganeshay Namah
Speech about the status of women in Indian society
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Women are almost 50% part of the human population on this earth. But their status is not equal and their level differs from country to country.
It is much better in Europe and America as compared to the status of women in Asia and Africa.
Here is our sample speech with important points about the status of women in Indian society. You can use points and specimens for preparing and delivering it in any situation.
Points for the speech about the status of women in Indian society.
2) the percentage of women in the population
3)condition in the past
4)changes in modern times
5)future of women
Sample speech about the status of women in Indian society
Respected chairman and all the dignitaries present here, good afternoon. I am Sam. I would like to express my thoughts about the status of women in Indian society.
Let’s start with ancient times. During it women were confined to caves or houses. They lead a very miserable life full of atrocities and violence. In the prehistoric and medieval eras, there was a slight change in their state but still, they were denied equal rights and considered an object for sale or barter. Very few women from royal or scholar families got an opportunity to learn and have some kind of freedom.
Most of the women from middle-class and poor families continued to suffer and bear all the trouble and violence in the name of protection and family status. This state continued up to the 19th century. Then the slow change in the status of women began especially after the industrial revolution.
Mahatma Phule, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, and Shahu Maharaj worked for the rights and education of women. As a result, many women started getting opportunities for education and leading their lives under their own conditions. There are some great examples of women like Indira Gandhi, Kiran Bedi, and P. T. Usha who held great positions and achieved success in their lives.
But the rise of the 21st century proved to be a game changer for women and they are now educated and working with men in almost all the fields such as politics, sports, education, business, farming, armed forces, medical service, space, trade, and many more. They are highly successful and even more efficient than their male counterparts.
Still, Indian women are facing social and domestic problems. They don’t have a feeling of security at their workplace and in even society.
They are beaten, abused, raped, and killed even in the present time but the intensity is less as compared to the past but such things must be stopped immediately. Women must get the status or place of equality in our country as well as all over the world.
If this happens women will overcome this male-dominated society in all fields and that day is not far away,
Thank you very much for listening to me.
This is our sample speech on the place of women in Indian society or the status of women in Indian society.
With love +respect from team