How to give a speech about the Farmer’s life

Shree Ganeshay Namah

How to give a speech about the farmer’s life


The farmer is the most valuable and greatest person on this earth as he feeds the whole world.

Here is our sample speech about the farmer’s life with very useful points.

Points for the speech about the farmer’s life with very useful points.


2)farming occupation

3)farmer’s activities

4) Noble work



Sample speech about the farmer’s life

Respected principal, teachers, and my friends, good morning. My name is Sam Karan. I would like to express my thoughts about the farmer’s life.

The farmer is the noblest person on this earth as he feeds all the bellies on this earth. Farming is the largest occupation in our world. Without caring about the sun, the wind, and the rain he works hard and grows various kinds of crops, vegetables, fruits, and other food items.

Farmers do a lot of hard work in their farmers like tilling the land, cultivating, sowing, reaping, weeding, and many more things. The rich harvest is only a joy for the farmer. They keep on working in all weathers without any official holiday. A farmer’s future is largely associated with the rain. So in most countries, farming is considered as a gamble with the rain.

The farmer leads a hard life and he sweats and sweats to feed us. In developing countries, farmers lead a miserable life but in developed countries, their condition is better because of the modern farming equipment like tractors and harvesters and government support.

Nowadays farmers have started using modern equipment, weather forecasts, market insights, hybrid seeds, and fertilizers for higher yields. But still, most of the farmers fail in marketing their produce and middlemen earn tremendous profits leaving farmers very less of hard-earned farm produce.

In most countries, farmers are assisted by experts in agriculture, but still, farmers lack knowledge of many key factors like seeds, seasons, and marketing. So most of the farmers lead a life of poverty. Very few farmers earn good income from their efforts.

So there is an urgent need of firm support to farmers all over the world. We must be grateful for the farmer’s work and act for their betterment.

In this way, we have seen how the farmer is leading miserable life all over the world and still keep on doing their hard work with persistence for the love of land and humanity. We must be grateful and respectful to them.

Thank you very much for listening to me.


This is our sample speech about the farmer’s life.

With love +respect from team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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