Shree Ganeshay Namah Use of whomsoever and whichever in English grammar Introduction Here we will see the meanings and examples of whomsoever and whichever in English grammar. Use of whomsoever
Day: May 25, 2021

Use of whoever and whosoever in English grammarUse of whoever and whosoever in English grammar
Shree Ganeshay Namah Use of whoever and whosoever in English grammar Introduction Who means which person and whoever and whosoever has somewhat different meanings. We will see here the meaning

Bite past tense | past tense of biteBite past tense | past tense of bite
Shree Ganeshay Namah Bite past tense Introduction There are two ways to make past and past participle verb forms in English. The first is by adding ed and the second

Speech about my favourite subjectSpeech about my favourite subject
Shree Ganeshay Namah Speech about my favourite subject Introduction- We have many school subjects. We have given a sample speech about ‘ My favourite subject’ and some points for it.