learnhatkey.com English grammar Use of am to, is to, are to, was to, were to in English grammar

Use of am to, is to, are to, was to, were to in English grammar

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Use of am to, is to, are to, was to, were to in English grammar


We use am, is, are, was, and were in the present and past tense but am to, is to, are to, was to, were to are used for telling present and past intentions.

We will see more about their use here.

Use of am to, is to, are to

First, we will see the use of am/is/are with 10 basic subjects in the English language.

I am,  we are, you are ,you are, they are, he is ,she is ,it is, singular noun is ,Plural noun are.

Now we will see the use of am to, is to, are to .

Am to, is to, are to are used to give our intentions or what one will do.

Here is a very easy formula for their use.

Subject + am/is/are + infinitive (To+ v1) + ………..

Now we will see some examples to clear our doubts.


  1. I am to go now.
  2. We are to call him.
  3. You are to reach there.
  4. They are to start the match now.
  5. He is to sing a song.
  6. She is to give her presentation.
  7. It is to start now.
  8. Sam is to ask a question.
  9. Children are to shout.

These are some of the examples of the use of am to, is to, are to in our sentences.

Use of was to and were to

Now we will see the use of was to and were to in English grammar.

First, we will see the use of was/were with 10 basic subjects in the English language.

Was is used with I, he, she, it and singular noun and were is used with we, you(singular), You(plural), they and plural noun.

Now let’s discuss the use of was to and were to.

Was to and were to are used too tell past intentions or what one was going to do in the past.

Here is the easiest formula to use was to, were to.

Subject + was/were+infinitive (to+ v1)+ ……….

Here are some of the examples to make it clear.


  1. I was to help him.
  2. We were to give up our efforts.
  3. You were to speak there.
  4. They were to inform you.
  5. People were to gather here.
  6. He was to open the match.
  7. She was to fall down.
  8. It was to entertain all.
  9. Sam was to bring us lunch.

This is how one can use was to and were to in sentences.


Here we have seen how to use am to, is to, are to, was to were to . Basically, these are used to show present and past intentions.

What do you think about this usage? Let me know through your comments.

With love +respect from team learnhatkey.com

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