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Show past tense | past tense of show

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Show past tense | past tense of show


Here is the conjugation of the verb show

We will see the past tense of show and also the meaning, base form, past participle form, third-person singular form, and present participle form of show with examples.

Here we will see the past form of show and its other verb forms also.

Base form Past form Past participle form Third-person singular form Participle form Meaning of show
show showed shown shows showing Make visible or offer for inspection

Meaning of show

The general meaning of show is to Make visible or offer for inspection

Conjugation of the verb show

1)Simple present tense

I show.

We show.

you(Plural pronoun) show.

you(singular pronoun) show.

They show.

people(plural noun) show .

He shows.

she shows.

It shows.

Sam(Singular noun) shows.

2)Simple past tense

I showed.

We showed.

you(Plural pronoun) showed.

you(singular pronoun) showed.

They showed.

people(plural noun) showed.

He showed.

she showed.

It showed.

Sam(Singular noun) showed.

3)Simple future tense

I will show.

We will show.

you(Plural pronoun) will show.

you(singular pronoun) will show.

They will show.

people(plural noun) will show .

He will show .

she will show.

It will show.

Sam(Singular noun) will show.

4)Present continuous(progressive) tense

I am showing.

We are showing.

you(Plural pronoun) are showing.

you(singular pronoun) are showing.

They are showing.

people(plural noun) are showing.

He is showing.

she is showing.

It is showing.

Sam(Singular noun) is showing.

5)Past continuous(progressive) tense

I was showing.

We were showing.

you(Plural pronoun) were showing.

you(singular pronoun) were showing.

They were showing.

people(plural noun) were showing.

He was showing.

she was showing.

It was showing.

Sam(Singular noun) was showing.

6)Future continuous (progressive) tense

I will be showing.

We will be showing.

you(Plural pronoun) will be showing.

you(singular pronoun) will be showing.

They will be showing.

people(plural noun) will be showing.

He will be showing.

she will be showing.

It will be showing.

Sam(Singular noun) will be showing.

7)present perfect tense

I have shown.

We have shown.

you(Plural pronoun) have shown.

you(singular pronoun) have shown.

They have shown.

people(plural noun) have shown.

He has shown.

she has shown.

It has shown.

Sam(Singular noun) has shown.

8)Past perfect tense

I had shown.

We had shown.

you(Plural pronoun) had shown.

you(singular pronoun) had shown.

They had shown.

people(plural noun) had shown.

He had shown.

she had shown.

It had shown.

Sam(Singular noun) had shown.

9)Future perfect tense

I will have shown.

We will have shown.

you(Plural pronoun) will have shown.

you(singular pronoun) will have shown.

They will have shown.

people(plural noun) will have shown.

He will have shown.

she will have shown.

It will have shown.

Sam(Singular noun) will have shown.

10)Present perfect continuous(progressive) tense

I have been showing.

We have been showing.

you(Plural pronoun) have been showing.

you(singular pronoun) have been showing.

They have been showing.

people(plural noun) have been showing.

He has been showing.

she has been showing.

It has been showing.

Sam(Singular noun) has been showing.

11)Past perfect continuous(progressive) tense

I had been showing.

We had been showing.

you(Plural pronoun) had been showing.

you(singular pronoun) had been showing.

They had been showing.

people(plural noun) had been showing.

He had been showing.

she had been showing.

It had been showing.

Sam(Singular noun) had been showing.

12)Future perfect continuous(progressive) tense

I will have been showing.

We will have been showing.

you(Plural pronoun) will have been showing.

you(singular pronoun) will have been showing.

They will have been showing.

people(plural noun) will have been showing.

He will have been showing.

she will have been showing.

It will have been showing.

Sam(Singular noun) will have been showing.

Conjugation of the verb show with modal auxiliary verbs.

Here are the sentences of conjugation of the verb show with modals.

1)I/we/you/you/they/people/he/she/it/Sam can show.

2)I/we/you/you/they/people/he/she/it/Sam could show.

3)I/we/you/you/they/people/he/she/it/Sam may show.

4)I/we/you/you/they/people/he/she/it/Sam might show.

5)I/we/you/you/they/people/he/she/it/Sam must show.

6)I/we/you/you/they/people/he/she/it/Sam should show.

7)I/we/you/you/they/people/he/she/it/Sam would show.

8)I/we/you/you/they/people/he/she/it/Sam ought to show.

9))I/we/you/you/they/people/he/she/it/Sam need not show.

10))I/we/you/you/they/people/he/she/it/Sam dare not show.

The past form of show

The past form of show is showed. We will see some examples of show in past form.


1)He showed the news about water after a long time.

2)The bird showed its ability to fly.

3)You showed me the ball thrown by me.

The base form of show

The base form of show is show.

Here are some examples of the use of the base form of show.

1)They show good things.

2)We show something daily.

3)You show the news of the growth of creepers.

Past participle form of show.

The past participle form of show is shown.

We will see some examples of the use of past participle of show.

1)He had shown his victory to others.

2)She has shown something to you.

3)They have shown their best here for the people.

The third-person singular form of show

Third person singular form of show is shows. We will see some examples of the use of show as a third-person singular verb form used in the simple present tense.


1)He shows things thrown at him.

2)She shows her books daily.

3)Sam shows his favorite game set.

Present participle form of show

The present participle form of show is showing.

We will see some examples of the present participle form of show.


1)They are showing our things.

2)He is showing the ball thrown high.

3)She was showing her gym kit.

Conclusion for the past form of show

These are the examples and explanations of the use of show in past form, the base form, past participle form, third-person singular form, and present participle form.

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