Shree Ganeshay Namah
Sample speech and essay about the Role of the teacher as a nation builder
Table of Contents
The teacher is the most respectful and valuable personality in the world. They mould future generations and build a nation. Here is our sample speech and essay about the Role of a teacher as a nation-builder with highly important points.
Points for the speech and essay about the role of a teacher as a nation builder.
- Formal beginning
- What is teacher
- Roles of teacher
- Contribution to society and nation
- Importance of their work
- How teachers build a nation
- Noble profession
- Grateful nation
- Your feelings
- Formal ending
Sample speech and essay about the Role of a teacher as a nation builder
Respected principal and all the dignitaries present here, good afternoon, my name is Sam. I would like to express my thoughts about the role of a teacher as a nation-builder.
Since ancient times teachers have been considered the most valuable people as they do the noble work of passing our knowledge and heritage to future generations. Teachers are the persons who teach in schools, colleges, or any kind of formal or informal institution.
The most important role of the teachers is to give knowledge and information on various subjects to the students. At the same time, they inculcate moral values, teach discipline and hard work, develop personality, and would future generations who can lead and sustain the nation world, and societies.
Teachers teach their students the value of patriotism and sacrifice for noble causes. They give their students the age gold knowledge and heritage softer is continuous progress in society and it results in the progress of the nation. Dedicated scientists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, and various professionals invent new things using past knowledge with their curiosity thought by their teachers. They learn to ask why and how to find answers to every why and how.
No doubt teachers are doing great work in building a nation. If students do not know about languages, science, society, humanity, and patriotism, how can they run the nation on the path of progress and prosperity? All professionals are equally important for the nation and the world but the teacher’s profession is the noblest as it creates all the professionals.
So every nation and society are always grateful to these dedicated teachers who give their everything for building future generations of nations. One good teacher can inspire thousands of souls which will result in the highest level of growth and prosperity. So the nation and the world core are always grateful for the work of the teachers.
Personally, I am always grateful to my teachers including my parents for teaching me languages and various subjects. So that I can make some difference in this vast world. I love my teachers and I am always proud of the teachers who play a very vital role in nation-building.
Thank you very much for listening to me.
This is our sample speech and essay about teachers as nation-builders.
with love +respect from team
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