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Sample guest introduction speech for annual day celebration

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Sample guest introduction speech for annual day celebration


we need to prepare the chief guest introduction speech for various functions and occasions.

If we take proper care it will give you appreciation from all. so we have given here a sample chief guest introduction speech for the annual day celebration with sample biodata of the chief guest.

sample biodata of the chief guest for preparing the speech of the chief guest introduction

1] Name -Mr Sam Wilson

2]degree- PhD in English literature

3] experience- professor for 10 years, HOD for 5 years, principal for 10 + years 4]titles- Doctorate in modern literature from Asian countries.

5] awards- best professor award, best principal award, best writer award from literary foundation, social work award.

6] publications -books like English and Asian authors, perfect English grammar, and literature for all.

7] social work- work for the eradication of superstitions and social awareness about environmental pollution.

sample speech about the chief guest introduction for the annual day celebration

Respected chief guest, honourable principal and all the dignitaries present here, good evening, I am Sam, and I feel honoured to introduce our chief guest for this amazing annual day celebration.

With a grateful heart, I would like to begin my speech. we are very fortunate to have a very popular literary and social personality as our chief guest.

His name is Dr Sam Wilson. He has been awarded PhD in English literature. He has vast experience in various fields such as teaching English literature, holding the position of principal of XYZ College and honourable member of social organisations for eradication of superstitions and spreading awareness about environmental pollution.

He has achieved the title of Dr. and his topic of research is modern literature on Asian countries. During his successful career, he has been working with many prestigious organisations and he has won awards such as the best professor award, the best principal award, the best writer award, the best social welfare award and many more.

As we all know, our chief guest is a very popular author and his best-selling publications include English and Asian authors, English grammar, and literature for all.

His social work is praised all over the world and the international community has appreciated it. He has been working on the eradication of superstitions and spreading awareness about environmental pollution. I am short of words to describe the achievements of our chief guest but I am really grateful to the chief guest Dr Sam Wilson for accepting our invitation as a chief guest for this annual day celebration.

With gratitude and curiosity to learn from our chief guest, I take your leave. T

Thank you very much for listening to me intently.


This is our sample speech about the chief guest introduction for the annual day celebration in schools and colleges or for many other social and corporate functions. you can use it for your purpose in any function as a chief guest introduction speech by making relevant changes as per the occasion, work and biodata of the chief guest.

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