Lead past tense

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Lead past tense


There are some irregular verbs in the English language. Lead is one of them.

Here we will see the past form of lead, the base form of lead, past participle form of lead, third-person singular and present participle form of lead, and the meaning of lead.

Here we will see the past form of lead and its other verb forms also.

Base form Past form Past participle form Third-person singular form Participle form Meaning of choose
lead led led leads leading Make you go with, way of life, superior to others

Meaning of lead

The general meaning of lead is to Make you go with, way of life, superior to others

Past form of lead | lead past form

The past form of lead is led. We will see some examples of lead in past form.

  1. He led his life successfully through thick and thin
  2. People led their lives freely.
  3. We led the team towards success.
  4. Saints led selfless lives.
  5. She led her class to top in school.

Base form of lead

Base form of lead is lead.

Here are some examples of the use of base form of lead.

1)Sam and his family lead a happy life with a feeling of satisfaction.

2) Animals lead a free life.

3)You lead your group in every mission.

4)They lead others on the path of success.

5)Philosophers lead society on the right path

Past participle form of lead

Past participle form of lead is led.

We will see some examples of the use of past participle of lead.

1)You have led your group carefully and skilfully.

2)She has led us through the year of difficulties.

3)They had led their followers.

4)Results have led to big changes.

5)Books have led me on the path of academic success.

Third-person singular form of lead

The third-person singular form of lead is leads. We will see some examples of the use of lead as third-person singular verb form used in the simple present tense.

1)He leads a peaceful life.

2)She leads a very busy and demanding life.

3)Our teacher leads us to become good.

Present participle form of lead

Present participle form of lead is leading.

We will see some of the examples of present participle form of lead.


1)John is leading his team successfully.

2)You are leading your party skilfully.

3)They were leading the society on the way of change.

4)Ha was leading his followers.

5)Leaders are leading us.

Conclusion for past form of lead

These are the examples and explanations of the use of lead in past form, the base form, past participle form, third-person singular form and present participle form of lead.

With love +respect from team learnhatkey.com

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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