Current topics for speech

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Current topics for speech


Here is the list of current topics for speech

Current topics for speech

We will see the list of current topics for speech.

  1. Covid-19- A global pandemic
  2. Environment protection- Need of the time
  3. Pollution
  4. Global warming
  5. How to fight with covid-19
  6. Is the vaccine the ultimate solution to control covid-19
  7. The role of WHO
  8. Need of oxygen
  9. Save trees save the earth
  10. Say no to tobacco
  11. Eradicate drugs addiction
  12. Environmental problems and the solutions
  13. The medical profession- the noblest profession
  14. How to stop corruption
  15. Doclam issue
  16. Israel and Palestine crisis
  17. Need for safe travel majors during a pandemic
  18. Precautions to avoid covid-19 infection
  19. Pros and cons of working from home
  20. India- American relations in 2021
  21. Growing world population
  22. Solar energy
  23. Wind energy
  24. Need to use non-conventional energy resources
  25. Electric vehicles
  26. Are electric scooters good and durable and affordable
  27. Tesla cars- Is it the solution to pollution issue
  28. Melting of glaciers
  29. Problems created by plastic and solutions
  30. Stop using fossil fuel
  31. Online gaming
  32. Online frauds
  33. Social media- advantages, and disadvantages
  34. Terrorism
  35. The increasing cost of higher education
  36. Viruses- the threat to human existence
  37. How to protect from biological war and weapons
  38. Nuclear threat
  39. Border issues in the world
  40. Need for yoga and Ayurveda to tackle global health problems
  41. Child and human trafficking
  42. Drugs trafficking
  43. Travel industry during corona pandemic
  44. Online education during the pandemic
  45. Surging unemployment during the corona pandemic
  46. Is bitcoin a good option for investment
  47. Share market- pros and cons
  48. Role of news channels during corona pandemic
  49. Changing the world during the corona pandemic
  50. Humanitarian acts during the crisis

This is the list of current topics for speech.


I hope you will like our list of current topics for speech.

With love + respect from team

Dipak D. Jagtap: Always the learner.Having spent 16 years in English language training, its time now to reach the world to learn more and to share my experience and practices....
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