Do With Difference- I am Dipak Dattatray Jagtap, Double M.A. in English literature with first-class and Bachelor of Education with academic and spoken English teaching and training, content writing and translation experience of 20 years.
I have started this site to share my experience and learning ideas with the world.Here you will know more about spoken English, English grammar in easy and Hatkey method, writing skills,vocabulary, speeches,motivation and creative ideas for making life easy and successful.
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Purpose of purpose
To strive,
To seek,
To find
And not to yield…
(Alfred Lord Tennyson)
Ever since I have read these lines from Tennyson’s poem Ulysses, way back in my childhood, I have been striving, seeking, and finding without giving up. We do so many things but we should always remember Steve Jobs’ popular words Stay Hungry– Stay Foolish. They prompt us to learn new things and never think that know everything.
Regarding this, We can say that human life is a journey of learning new things all the time through our experiences and practices with struggles. It is that intuition that makes us know more about the world. For that we need good communication skills in English( oral and written) We should have sufficient store of its vocabulary, knowledge of grammar, and writing skills. We must keep on searching for creative and innovative ways to make our lives beautiful. So we need strong motivation and creative force. Ultimately it will lead us to a meaningful and satisfactory life.
We are here to do all these traditional things with different edges. let’s do with the difference to make a strong and indelible imprint on us all over the world. Together we will search for New horizons of knowledge and skills to make this world a better place. It is just the beginning, a long journey is awaiting us. Can you listen to the call for it same as expressed by Robert Frost in his poem Stopping by Woods on a snowy evening?
The woods are lovely dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep…
Welcome to learnhatkey.com
The journey begins…
with team learnhatkey.com
All green lights…

If you have any query regarding the Site, Advertisement or any other issue, please feel free to contact us at dipak.d.jagtap@gmail.com