. Birth Order Nicknames: Each Duggar child has a secret nickname that reflects their birth order. These names are only known to family members and close friends.
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T Hidden Hobbies: While the Duggars are widely known for their conservative lifestyle, they secretly indulge in unexpected hobbies like painting, playing musical instruments, and even skydiving.
1Alternative Education: Not all Duggar children followed the same homeschooling curriculum. Some of them were enrolled in alternative educational programs, focusing on specific interests or talents.
Mystery Pen Pals: The Duggar kids have maintained secret pen pal relationships with people from all over the world, allowing them to explore different cultures and perspectives.
Hidden Talents: Behind closed doors, the Duggar children have hidden talents such as painting, dancing, and even stand-up comedy. These talents are rarely showcased in their public appearances.
.. Secret Recipe Exchange: The Duggar family has a secret recipe book, passed down through generations, where they share their favorite dishes that are not commonly known.